especially the bear traps, I step on like 20 of those and i'm just like "Yeah whateva!"
they need to be like the ones in resident evil 4 where your leg actually got stuck in it and you had to get it out o.o
which would cause a lot of problems like getting shot in the head while trying to get it out

Yeah, the bear traps barely faze you. Unless you look down, you may not even realize what had hit you. "was that a bee sting? A weak arrow hit?"
You should be immobile until you've had enough time to pull your leg out of the trap and slowly take damage (health/fatigue) the whole time. Alternately, you could fight while stuck in the trap (for play-ability) but you are limited to ranged/magic or melee when stuff gets close to you. If your enemies are smart, they will hang back and shoot at you from a distance. This would make a great ambush style trap. I could definitely see the Silver Hand (those dirty scumbags!) using this against Werewolves.
Maybe freeing yourself would be kinda like a mini game/intense sequence where you have to hold an action button(s) down to pull the jaws of the trap apart and get your leg/foot out. It would take a certain number of seconds based on your Strength/Stamina/whatever lame statistic they use to 'rate' your Strength now.

). I know people hate mini games, but it would be based on your characters stats and just represent a certain amount of time that you need to free yourself.
Even Conan, one of the all time bad-asses, was rendered practically helpless by a beartrap-like trap in the story
Red Nails. It definitely shouldn't be something that you barely notice as you walk through it. And worse traps, like the swinging blades or swinging door-full-of-spikes thingie, should probably be virtually instakill (I don't think they are, but I don't know if damage is dependent on a 'glancing' blow vs full on hit).