» Thu May 03, 2012 5:21 am
To be honest, I'd rather see a game with an overall "happier" feel. Not that I don't want ANYTHING serious in the game. I'd just like to see at least a few npcs that seem cheerful, a bigger, more "fantastical" feel, giant castles that are chock-ful of secret passageways, grand halls, and basically are huge and interesting enough that I'd want to explore them. I'd want a gigantic world where I could wander for hours wherever I pleased (No more exploration-restricting mountains. DX). I want a world where the people actually seem real. I want to walk into a tavern and see people dancing, singing, enjoying themselves. Not just sitting around moping. I want someplace big enough that I could actually get lost in it. In Skyrim I always knew where I was. Even If I didn't have the gps-map or the magical compass, I was never more than a few feet from a town, a cave, or a random dungeon, so it wouldn't matter anyway. I'm not saying Beth should decrease the number of Landmarks, I'm just saying they should spread them over a bigger area.
I want more humor. I'm not saying that they should go full Saint's Row level silliness in the next TES game, but I felt like they took themselves a bit too seriously when creating Skyrim. Somthing that was definitly different from the earlier games, and in my opinion, it wasn't a change for the better.
I want my character to feel more alive. To be honest, I felt like my Skyrim character was just an empty shell. I want to believe that my character's an actual living being. I want a reason to try to keep myself from dying and just reloading the last quicksave. They could have my character shiver in the cold, limp when injured, maybe grab at his throat when he's drowning, scream when he's lit on fire, smile, frown, etc.
I want bigger cities where it would actually be viable to do things like dart into dark alleyways to escape from guards. Climb onto tall buildings. And commit crimes without EVERYONE knowing it was you. The "cities" in Skyrim seemed more like villages. Small villages.
I want more of everything. There should not just be torches, but also lanters, candles, etc. There should be more swords than just one handed, and two handed. I want longswords, shortswords, claymores, katanas, rapiars, random long blunt objects (Broomsticks, sticksticks, those things you poke fireplaces with, canes, etc.). Basically like Morrowind. But more of it.
Adding all this may seem like a pointless waste of effort, time, and money to most people. But in my opinion TES has always been about quantity>quality. Skyrim had plenty of quality, it was just missing alot of the quantity.
TL;DR: More immersion, plz.