Since I failed to find this topic before trying to post my own... Here are some of my ideas.
- The ability to purchase a bedroll (Or craft from leather/hides), tents (Again; leather, hides), and to build fires using firewood (And a flame spell, or flint and steel?) If the character has the goods, even set up a cooking spit? Better resting in the wilderness, another level for those of us who enjoy the RP aspect.
- The addition of an optional "hardcoe Mode" a la Fallout. Food, drink, sleep, all requirements.
- (Future Title) Bring back Morrowind's painstaking complexities that used to drive me crazy, and force me to spend hours trying to figure some small things out! Lanterns! Candlesticks! Pauldrons! (I always loved the aesthetic appeal of a warrior with his left arm heavily armored, but his right bare. I savoured the little things! They made the game for me, and they're what keeps me playing Morrowind like an addict.
- Longer quests/questlines. I'm guessing I'm not the only person who found Skyrim's questlines far too short. If you can 'Beat' a TES game in three days... Well hell. Yeah, it's an amazing three days, and there is still much to see! But when you've already defeated Alduin it just feels wrong to be running errands for people like some lowly peasant.
- Please, PLEASE fix the appearance of skulls Bethesda. I'll admit that this isn't a game-ender for me, but for a game so graphically intense and beautiful to have human skulls that look, well, fake... They looked better in Oblivion! And likewise in Morrowind! I mean no offense, however - To be honest nearly every game I own is a Bethesda creation (Battlefield 3 is the only game I own that ISN'T made by Bethesda) and I will always be a devout Bethesda fan.
- More recipes for cooking. I want to be able to grill a leek, or bake a potato, bake a pie! Grind flour, get eggs and water or milk from a cow and make some bread! Yes, it's pointless! Trivial! Nothing to do with the game! But it's an RPG! That's the freakin' point!

- The ability to change your character's hair and warpaint after creation. I'm not asking for some Dwemer built contraption that deals in advanced facial reconstruction! Oh no, no... But a barber? An item (Mix charcoal and water, or buy dyes?) to apply/remove the different styles of warpaint. I only include this suggestion because in most of the more recent TES (And Fallout) Games the player was given the opportunity to reconcile their character. Morrowind's "Are you sure you want this to be your character?" bit, a quick check over your skillsets and appearance. Oblivion's sewer exit. New Vegas' venturing a certain distance. Skyrim was just like, "Kay your guy looks pretty decent in this lighting, from these angles. Now name him and prepare to run like hell."
- Being that the next patch includes more cinematic kill cams and the like, I need not complain.

- Silver weapon enhancements! This one seemed a no brainer to me. Yes, I understand that a legendary silver sword would be the bane of any undead you encountered, but hell - silver ingots are relatively rare in comparison to most others. And hell - Silver weapon, silver ingot... Two and two makes four, no?
- Staying on the topic of upgrades... Studded imperial armor? Yeah. I love the look, can't upgrade. Horned Scale armor? D: It's so horny and awesome, but it becomes obsolete so quickly. Imperial weapons? Fur armors? Yeah...
- More incentive NOT To fast travel. I, personally, tend not to use the fast travel system most of the time. Problem for me is that I get lazy with the game. "No, I don't feel like walking from Whiterun to Winterhold. I've taken a carriage once, so I'll just fast travel." And it sticks. Perhaps more dungeons?
- I understand the first few posts here. Cities like cities, forests like forests... Thicker, more dense foliage. I realize that Skyrim is in the northern reaches, and therefore vegitation would be sparse (Much like it is here in Saskatchewan's north, I suppose.) But I would have pictured parts of Skyrim more like the Rocky Mountains in British Columbia. Giant evergreens, high canopies, trunks so thick and cramped that one could hardly see through.
If a future game is featured in Valenwood, or Black Marsh, I would expect the forests to be more, well, forested.- Bring back the crossbow? <3
- Larger variety in armors and weapons. I know I keep going back to Morrowind here, but for me that game was the greatest thing ever put on to a disc. Remember the bonemould armors? Yeah, they were all mostly the same in stats... But you could play around with the aesthetics! I'm not saying give us Fable-like customization for the armors, just a broader variety.
- Running from the above idea, I'm throwing some personal preference in here. I (An Elder Scrolls confession here...) Have never liked the look of the higher tiered weapons or armor. They look badass, don't get me wrong! And I realize that I can (and I do) simply stick to using Iron, or Fur armors! (My level 66 Khajiit wears fur armor, bracers, and boots that have yet to be improved at a workbench.) But I just... Ah, I'm nostalgic, old fashioned. I miss the way that Morrowind felt! It was so fantastic, something pulled from the depths of such rich lore, yet so down to earth and realistic! The things that were powerful FELT Powerful. The things that were useful felt useful, and likewise any way you spin it.
- An addon that allows us to see a Snow Elf ruin? Or perhaps
Spoiler as in the main quest line upon reading the Elder Scroll at the Throat of the World, or during the quest for the Skull of Corruption
a chance to go back (Or at least SEE back) in time and view the Falmer, and in that case even the Dwemer, in their original glory.
By Azura, I could go on for days like this...