Rolling out my "wish list"...
- Unarmored skill making a comeback
- The need to repair arms and armor once more
- A return of the Enchanter. I'm honestly at a loss why this was removed.
- No more constellation skill trees. They're neat enough and thematic given Skyrim's narrative, but more direct control over the perks would be nice. For instance, I shouldn't have to take "junk perks" simply to unlock a higher skill level perk. The perks were a nice change from the flat stat game, but still needlessly restrictive.
- More armor options. The slots are there in the game already - the creation kit and various mods show that much. Don't rely on the user base to incorporate armor diversity. If I want to go essentially unarmored except my shield arm, which is sleeved in heavy armor, I should be more then able to do that.
- A return to Oblivion style dialogue engine. Skyrim was a great experiment in dynamic NPC interaction. I don't fault Bethesda in the slightest for changing things up in that regard...the problem is it resulted in NPCs becoming even worse then the "same-y" feeling Morrowind NPCs or the Mudcrab obsessed Radiant AI Oblivion NPCs. Skyrim NPCs became...static. After three years, I can practically quote Balgruuf's lines by heart. In the end, I miss the awkward Radiant-driven NPC conversations that were ultimately dynamic and rumor opposed to the same conversations being repeated daily in the Whiterun Market.
- More Daedric Quests in the vein of Skyrim please! Loved how Daedric Quests were handled - and how morally grey they were - in Skyrim.
- Incorporate a "hardcoe mode" in the vein of Fallout: New Vegas. Bare bones Needs function (Eat/Sleep/ put Inns and Taverns in the game already, so why not?), and makes potions effect over time instead of instantly. A nice balance for those that prefer the old style of Elder Scrolls potion intake and those that prefer the new style.
- Similarly, the compass should be more like the compass in Fallout 3/New Vegas. Instead of magically knowing what kind of interesting location we're coming up on as seen in Oblivion/Skyrim, just a notation that "Hey, there's something this way worth looking at" without us knowing what it is.