repost from prev thread (so that's why i couldn't edit my post... 
to that, one thing i'd really like would be more options, or rather better implementation, in regards of peace runs.
like: now bandits yell "i yield i yield" just to get right on their feet and slam stg hard in your face, why can't they just actually friggin' run for it to never be seen again, it'd be such a minor change, but feel SO much more real
or, i'm the shouty dragondude, but i don't have ONE SINGLE shout in all of my arsenal that can SCARE AWAY a couple bloody skeevers or whatever?
(and don't start me with "fear" spells, they just don't do what you'd expect
all in all anyway, i'd like the game to be completable (main quest at least) without a single kill - on an optional basis of course
...ah yes and one more thing, vampires: i've really had it with the whole topic in total myself; since i'm afraid though there's pretty much ZERO chance NO vampires would be in a tes game
, i'd like them to be much more stereotype (*totally ignores shouting from vamp crack section*) for gameplay's sake: let them sleep by day, dissolve in daylight, be weak when i bring garlic and make them killable by silver weapons (making these good for _anything_ at least
and driving wooden sticks into their hearts only, please... 
edit: boy, still got skyrim mods to finish, can't wait for fo4, wondering when dishonored2 will be out and gotta replay 1, and now pondering tesVI - beth's keeping me pretty busy