Hi ALL cool thread 
long time no see, been busy with my masters and playing FO4 and all that jazz, but now I see that skyrim is getting a face lift and we will probably get TES 6 in 2018
I also played witcher 3 .. the best action RPG in the history of mankind, and many other RPGs like Divinity, dark Messiah, and replayed thief 1, 2, 3 ...etc
hope you like this thread cause its gonna list the things i would LOVE to see in TES 6, be mindful that i wont say i want flying mounts or anime bikini armor for chicks, what i want are actually just pure game mechanics that will enhance the gaming experience 10 fold, lets start:
1- Stories, factions, and the world
lets face it when you play a game like the witcher 3 you cant help but wonder why skyrim or oblivion felt so lifeless and empty, in the witcher 3 the world is at war and you can SEE IT in the suffering of the people the horrors of war, orphans, burning villages, public hangings, it was brutal and realistic to a fault people had emotions, people were greedy, paranoid, good, bad...etc, you always felt strongly about the waring factions, and you are always torn morally as the game offers little B&W choices and just gives you grey choices and lets you decide.
spoiler..... for example in the witcher 3 their is a side quest (which ties in to the main quest) where you have to decide either to help 3 evil old witches by killing a trapped druid spirit and letting a group of innocent kids get eaten by the witches OR help the spirit and save the children but then you find out the spirit murdered half the villagers in a near by town that were serving the witches (begrudgingly) women kids men it just pasted through and killed ALSO later the witches get pissed at you and curse the woman that they enslaved (ties in with another quest) and she dies horribly in the arms of her daughter....etc etc
my point is I would LOVE to see this in the next TES 6 main quests and side quests all tied in together in ways that even you cant see until like 10 quests ahead or maybe in little things like better prices, bandit ambush ...etc etc the sky is the limit, the witcher 3 executed this PERFECTLY and I would love to see this carry on to an elder scrolls title.
FACTIONS were pathetic in skyrim (aside from the brotherhood maybe) they felt bland uninteresting, i would love it if they made it HARD for the player to join the factions.... it should be hard to advance and it should be based on the skills of the player in things the faction deem worthy, if u fail in sneaking and picking locks then you just wont be leader of the thieves guild no matter how much you pray to the nine.
factions should also have branching quest paths and choices for players to pick from, like the witcher 3 siding with the empire will make you the enemy for Radovid, helping the witches will bring on the wrath of the church of eternal fire ...etc etc
joining the dark brother hood should raise flags for at least the thieves guild who should kick you out immediately if u were with them never to come back.
the world of the witcher 3 just felt more alive, more lived in and the CITIES my god, perfection.... [censored]s, thieves, noblemen, guards cursing, merchants shouting and waving their hands, dancers, performers, priests preaching, taverns busy, drunk people waddling on the streets, birds, cats, dogs, rats, horses, knights in formation. IT WAS PERFECT the city felt alive while cities in skyrim felt dead, empty and just small as heck.
In conclusion I would love TES 6 to take the best from witcher3 and older TES titles like morrowind and daggerfall and oblivion to an extend and just make the world more believable and more lived in, give the people LIFE make the player feel like the world is NOT there to serve his needs but its their to eat him up and use him and make him EARN his rewards, Skyrim's civil war felt like a family feud and im not sure Bethesda truly understand what civil war means ... corpses on the streets, villages burn, people hang, torture, hate, dungeons full of the innocent... war is HORRIBLE yet is skyrim you never ever felt it, you kill storm cloaks you dont go to whiterun to see weeping mothers and pyres honoring the dead you dont see people wearing morning cloths, people starving, you dont see dark elves hanging from the gates and floating in the harbor as people blamed them fro the defeat..... ITS JUST ALL SO BLANDDDDDD
2-classes and skills:
Oh these need to come back, I dont want to play default man, I want to have a background story (let me write it even morrowind style) and I want to have a class plz heck you can even have a (default) class for people who want to be an average joe who never knew what he was in his past life, did i have magic talents, did i used to hunt, was a I an orphan stealing food from vendors??? plz at least give us that.
skills .. oh my well it really does not matter, perks, skills ...all these are just mechanics they are free to do as they please though the system in skyrim was good frankly and I did not mind it at all, I dont think adding acrobatics or athletics will matter in any way or form, they can even bring back basic attributes like strength agility and intelligence but really its just not that important to me its up to Bethesda to figure out the best system for the game play they make.
ok here is were TES failed every time while games like dark messiah, witcher 3, medieval warfare had more luck... the melee and ranged combat in skyrim was to be fair BASIC , no flare no weight and no intensity it was just who slashed faster and who swung harder, while in witcher 3 you could dodge roll block parry AND counter attack not to mention the wide range of attacks both fast and strong and you position in battle (behind the target on his side in front of him ...etc) ALSO in dark messiah we see that targeting the enemies neck hand leg had different effects as well as countering and blocking AND kicking it was and still is a more interesting combat system than skyrim and the game came out way before it
I would LOVE for the next TES to have combat that has weight and impact to it, let bows be powerful but hard to wield.. let arrows be an expensive commodity (heck let us craft them) let us have body part targeting, if u aim for the arm you might disarm your enemy or if u parry u can counter attack and kill him instantly, PLZ PLZ no more of this bland boring click fest, its just boring and uninspired.
Take combat to the next level, empower the player but make him earn his victories punish players that just run into a group of enemies willy nilly and reward players that play smart, let armor actually mean something in dark messiah if u wear plate U FEEL IT u HEAR IT and when u get struck it gives that satisfying TWANG cause you are wearing metal after all.
what can i say stealth in skyrim was bad at best, what stealth lacks in a TES title is 2 things:
frankly thief 1 and 2 did this perfectly and to copy paste the system would be enough to bring life to this often silly and idiotic part of a TES game, sneaking past a guard if ur sneak is 100 even though he is staring u in the face in day light is just not smart game design, while in thief and even dark messiah you had to stay in the shadows and walk silently and avoid hard surfaces
I could not tell you how much fun i had in thief just listening to all the amazing sound work they did... the footsteps the guard pvssyring, the doors closing .... it was sublime and no game has ever come close to deliver this amazing feeling again, stealing gold, and valuables sneaking on roof tops, climbing ropes pick pocketing people on the streets (they had actual purses for u to cut)
I just hope TES 6 has a smart level/light/sound design that will make gamers that enjoy stealth feel sneaky and at home in the darkness and walking on carpets 
Just no skyrim ... just no, the idea was solid but as usual Bethesda fell short on the completion, lets look at small games like dark messiah ... you will see telekinesis that WORKS, in dark messiah u can lift an object (the more mana you had the bigger objects you can lift) hold it in the air in front of u then throw it at your enemies ... NOTHING feels more satisfying than killing a group of really tough zombies with a flying sarcophagus you just threw using you mind and just feeling that object crash and break and the zombies going splat.
OR when you hit a pool of water with lightning and just FRY the enemies to death with one hit, or freezing them to solid blocks then kick the frozen bodies off ledges to watch them shatter satisfyingly below or make frozen patches that the enemies slip on and fall and break their necks, or the shrink ray that truns them to ants that you step on.
heck even the basic spells in witcher 3 felt more interesting with alt mods like sheild bubble and gust blast and connecting runes ...etc
I would love to see POWERFUL magic in TES 6 that works i want to see fire that burns ice that actually freezes stuff and telekinesis that does not svck I want to conjure creatures ....a WIDE variety of them... with rituals and incantation from lost books i find int eh mage guild libraries i want detailed info about these creatures, there weakness power ..etc
make magic mystical and interesting I dont want arcade TES I want atmosphere and depth i want to feel like I earned those new spells I want the fire ball to rock the earth and send enemies flying and burning and screaming.. in morrowind using a powerful spell was REALLY HARD but u felt so good when it works .. it drains your power but it WORKS you feel so powerful yet u feel like you really accomplished something I want that feeling back.
OH P.S. .... enchanting .. svcked in skyrim.. it was BADDDDDDD, in morrowind enchanting was so good that you can actually PROGRESS in combat via enchanting alone, making damage spells on items, healing or scrolls with powerful one shot spells you really really felt like an enchanter you had to prepare empty scrolls, gems, good items to enchant an just get lost in a world of magic .. should i enchant this glove with fire balls spell .. how many shots can i fire how much charge and power can it handle....etc it was HEAVEN
I wish we can have that back it was truly amazing.
well hope i did not bore you to death thanks for reading and stay safe