-To customize armor like painting it and customize the way i want the armor to look. Like add different parts for armors. Like for an Iron helmet add 50 extra parts to choose from. Also include different versions of an Armor. Kinda of like in Morrowind where you had 2 different version of Netch Leather Armor. Well in this one add like 50 different versions of an Iron Armor or Steel Armor. Being able exchange small parts of an armor to another armor and also being able to decorate the armor like adding gems to it or adding a cape and being able to customize the cape as well (color etc)
-Voice dialogue. Cut the voice acting Beth. I don't need that many voices. Put it this way. Give us an option to disable voices and enable text dialogue. Even though if you do that you will be bloating the game alot of data. I prefer you keep voice dialogue out of the game! Ok alright maybe use it on some of the quests npcs. But not on every single npc in the game. Think something out. I know you can do something about it.
-Add like the missing armor pieces that you took out the greatest Elder Scrolls Morrowind (example Paludron) also bring back Armors from Morrowind especially the Daedric Helmets heck include all the Armors from Oblivion and Skyrim as well, and add repair hammers again so that i can repair my armor and weapons so that it can feel like i am actually role playing the game.
-Being able to wear clothe underneath the Armor. Or on Top of the Armor like a robe like YOU did have in an ancient 15 year old game.
-Bring back Levitate. For gods sake it's been over 15 years already.
-Being able to tame some creatures and mount them and keep them. Like Horses.
-Being able to customize the way a flask from a potion looks. Like the color etc.
-Being able to make our own farm with all plants so that we can harvest them for ingredients. Watering the plants will be necessary.
-Customization again. This time weapons. Little things like being able to add object like a ruby or choosing engraving designs on the sword.
-Books. Add like a big test at the end of the book. Like for example a book on Alchemy then add 50 - 100 questions about the book pass the test and you get a bonus to stats AND you get an ability magic whatever AND you get an item like a Weapon, Armor, Loot. Don't pass it you can just try again. But depending on the score if you get all the questions right then you get a better item/rare item get a low score then you will get a low item. The reason why i want something like this is because well ... why can't I? .. It adds more content and it makes reading books more interesting and it gives me a reason to collect them all over again.
-Weapons. AGAIN! Add Spears, Crossbows, Halberds, etc etc. Also add double bladed spears. Add throwing blades like you ..... did have in ..... Morrowind.
-Boat. Sometimes i hate swimming. So add a boat to able to sail. Customize boat as well including the inside like a bed and table etc. Also maybe canoes for use on rivers and waterfalls.
(Two Worlds 2 had something like that) It's time Elder Scrolls has it. (talking about swimming) bring back water walking.
-Fishing. Being able to aquire fish and finding loot while fishing as well.
-Mini games like a Card Game like the old Final Fantasies had. Some sort of mini game you know it doesn't have to be a card game but i prefer a card game.
-Customize Horse armor etc
-I don't care about fast traveling. But if you can try to make feel lost in the game whenever i go out to a quest or explore. Also. Please. Don't add a 3D Map like one in Skyrim. Make it 2D but detailed.
-Customize house further like making several castles/towns etc. Budling it piece by piece. Being able to form your own Guide or whatever you want to call it like if your mage that you have a clan of mages with you. A Knight then you have knights or a mix of both but you have to hire them and they are actual NPC's living in towns that you have to talk to and make them join and they are only some but add vareity like some are mages, some are archers, some are knights some are monks etc. So yes. Yes. In some way. I want something like a team. Similar to Final Fantasies. Also the friends you aqurie have stories to tell and quests that you have to do. You can customize their armors as well and their weapons and you have to have beds for them and have food for them also be checking on them like for diseases etc, and you need to level them up and build their skills. Yes. Yes. Like Final Fantasy. Of course. This will be opitonal for those that want to play solo.
-Being able to marry like in Skyrim being able to make love but not showing anything of course maybe just like a scene where they are getting ready that's it. Also to able to kiss your wife anywhere. Ordering you wife to make you food. etc etc. Dialogue options at getting angry and your wife or cheating and your wife finds out and gets angry and starts a fight with your new lover. Same goes for a female player.
-Being able to dance when some music plays in a tavern etc.
-Add like a hard core mode like the one in Fallout New Vegas. Make it WAY harder LIKE WAY WAY harder. lol
-Add like super rare creatures and make some incredibly difficult to defeat. Like if anyone that has played FF12 you will know what i am talking about. lol
-Add like a hunt list like something similar again from Final Fantasy 12. For example kill 50 wolves and collect 50 pelts and get a reward from the petitoner the higher you progress the more challenging the hunts become.
-OPTIONAL for gamer to choose. Add a mode that allows turn base combat system in 1st person mode or 3rd person mode
-Bring back different weathers. Like a dust storm this time add like a Hurricane weather system where it makes combat much difficult because there is so much wind and rain. Maybe add Tornados? Hazards that you have to avoid if you don't you will get killed.
-Summon different creatures like different versions of Dremoras and Golden Saints etc. New creatures as well. Include like rare summons that you can only obtain by defeating some of the rare creatures.
-Being able to get either fat from eating to much or skinny (Anorexia lol) from not eating. Also being able to build muscle by running and lifting logs, swimming, jumping, and the more you carry the more you will grow muscle. Fighting will also increase muscle. So if you do that you will be super ripped.
-Bring back the Arena. Make it more big. Fighting monsters and warriors and mages etc. It gets dificiutly and as you progress you unlock weapons, armor and items.
-Make this the biggest most detailed Elder Scrolls ever. You know what? Combine all continents. Don't even go with one contient. It's time Bethesda. It's time. This is what you have been watiing for. Forget about The Elder Scrolls Online. Make this the biggest game of all the richest most detailed game ever. Add ideas from other games (dont be scared). Man you are going to sell alot! You might even make it to biggest selling video game ever. Of course you are not going to do everything exactly the way i explained above. You will do it YOUR way. The way of the Elder Scrolls. I swear you will SELL you will get many awards and you will known as the father of true open world RPGs in the future. You will be bigger than all those other developers. And obviously of course. Not all of this might might make it to the game (or nothing at all)
lol But miracles happen and if possible. Make it come true through updates and DLC. 
And also.
Don't you forget about my Morrowind remaster for consoles. 
Make it happen Bethesda. Make it happen. I know you can do it.
This will be the best. game. ever. created.
And for talos sake! Don't mess UP the Playstation VERSION!!