» Tue Dec 01, 2015 11:24 am
Back in ESO beta, the game started on a small island you couldn't leave until you finished its storyline. It caused an outrage because people thought it didn't feel Elderscrollsy enough, they wanted to roam freely like in the previous games. ZOS finally caved in and put new characters on the mainland instead with an option to return to the starting islands.
Now consider Fallout 4. How do you slice out a fragment of the world without it feeling "not Bethesda enough"? A playable demo without the single biggest draw of Bethesda games. What's the point?
As for invite betas/early access, I think they're complete BS unless you're an MMO or low budget indie dev. I'm not paying for testing an incomplete game, it's the publisher's responsibility. But more importantly, games have only one launch: if you do early access, that's it, the words goes out and that's what your game is going to be. Everybody would rush out to buy Fallout 4 as soon as possible and 99% of these people wouldn't do any testing. Bethesda games are broken even when finished, I don't even want to know what buggy mess we'd get in beta. Thanks, but no thanks.