Co-op: Yes
Arena Versus: Yes
Multiplayer (Assassin's Creed Brotherhood-like): No
Nuff' Said.
Most people who want 'multiplayer' just want co-op. I personally don't even care for an arena versus, I just want to be able to quest with a friend, either with LAN or splitscreen.
'It doesn't belong in TES'?
What belongs in TES?
Dual wielding has never been in TES, does this mean that Skyrim is not a true ES game? Or do features only belong in games once they are in?, in which case everyone will love co-op once it makes it in (if it ever does), also in which case, bandits in daedric and nerf bow and arrows absolutely do belong in TES.
'TES is meant to be a single-player game'?
Who decided what it was meant or meant not to be?
I thought TES was a hardcoe a RPG? Weren't RPGs originally intended to be played and enjoyed with friends?
And as stupid as I may sound right now, I consider co-op singleplayer. When I think of multiplayer I think of cod and halo. When I think of CO-OP multiplayer, I think of playing the singleplayer game with 2 people.
The ONLY valid argument I've seen is the one about fable 2 and 3, and RDR, and whatever other games were mentioned, how your average character in those games was substantially less than your average TES character. But then I thought about it, and realized the first red dead or fable games, that did not have multiplayer, still had shorter average character-times than TES. That's just the way those games are, regardless of multiplayer.
To me it seems that while you are calling us selfish for wanting a feature, it is truly you who are selfish. Denying other people a feature because you have no personal interest in it? Saying 'No, I don't want it because I won't use it' is one thing, but adamantly refusing to allow a feature simply because you probably won't use it, for no apparent reason, is really just a dike move.