Skyrim is also several months from release, and Bethesda needs features to announce at E3... so I wouldn't celebrate yet. It would not surprise me at all if co-op is something we hear about closer to release.
Either way, I'm really not sure why you would celebrate that the game isn't getting a feature that wouldn't effect you unless you wanted to use it. Seems kinda strange to me, but eh... to each his own I guess.
Not, only has Beth Studios stated Singleplayer games are their focus, its highly doubted a game this far into developement would have any form of Co-op that hasnt already been addresssed alright? -adding- any form of mutliplayer aspect isnt a simple chore. and yes I would lose something, Mods and the dignity felt towards Bethesda who make thier games to a reasonable degree and answer fans calls WITHIN REASON while still focusing on their games the way -they- want to they stated they dont make MP games and they did not faulter in that stance, for this I applaud, too many games are brought down by roaring psuedo-fans screaming for feature after feature resulting in the game crapping out and then those fans dropping the game because their very requests were answered but not Implemented the way they envisioned.
Cram it and enjoy the game coming, and if you say but Consoles have mods etc etc, not important everyone has a choice to what they purchase, the story won't take a dive because some people want an aspect that is so plentiful in the industry.
One of my friends on Xbox live that would that wished alot that there was a multiplayer or co-op setting for it.
I hope 2,000% skyrim has co-op/multiplayer.
If you are one of those who hate 2 or more multiplayer games,then you hate friends and relationships.Multiplayer helps you find friends.
lol the ones not wanting MP in elderscrolls dont neccessarily hate MP, The TES series isn't about you & your friends its about getting lost in a rich universe and placing your prints in the story, not running around like an idiot offing monsters and bashing each others heads in, you want that, there are PLENTY of games that fit this bill, no need to jam it into TES, and if you need multiplayer to -find- friends, then you really dont have alot in life going for you in regards to that. want friends so badly go outside. Multiplayer adds NOTHING useful to the Franchise, at this point TES would become a generic title if such were to be tacted on.
How long would TES last if all you did was off monsters and each other online because thats pretty much all thats going to happen, Skyrim/Oblivion/Morrowind/Daggerfall/Redguard all were none the lesser for not having MP, don't force something that isnt needed.