There have been a number of threads started to promote the idea of a particular location as a great setting for the next Fallout game. We have decided to keep the suggestions and discussion of different location ideas into one thread. Any new threads started about a location idea for Fallout will be locked or moved to this thread.
This thread should be used to discuss the different settings you think would work for a future Fallout game. Feel free to toss around the pros and cons (as you see them) for a new setting for a future Fallout game, but remember to keep any criticism or "cons" about a location within the rules for civil discussion., if some of you want to continue any discussion from there
was enjoying my game and this thought popped in my head
Fallout Florida

you can have the theme parks , hotels ,all the touristy stuff as well

the underground tunnels under the major parks
just imagine exploring delapitated disney rides

or the ruins of universal
or sea world with mutated orca's
or any of the smaller theme parks both still active and/or abandoned (in rl)
there is a lot Florida could offer for a fallout game

well any ways it was just a thought