My reply to a topic that just got locked before I got to reply:
That wouldn't be very Fallout-ish though. I mean we had the highwayman but that wasn't like what we see in a game like borderlands.
I would much prefer if they were all still broke. I don't see how they could implement cars without it being really stupid.
I did not like the driving in Borderlands at all. And the driving in Rage looks like it's just the same. I think it's how light the cars feel, they turn really quick, they can drive over really weird terrain, up steep hills, almost drive on walls, if they flip over they bounce alot and land on the wheels again like a cat and it feels like it takes no damage or anything. It feels so wrong.
I would like cars in Fallout, but to be somewhat a rare sight. They'd be heavy, and feel heavy. Move slow (compared to the two games I mentioned) and not be a really awesome terrain car that can drive and jump over all things. Crashing into things would slow it down drastically, damage the car and even you (so that you don't try to roadkill super mutants, or crash through car wreckages without losing speed or anything. If you drive carefully, or have a vehicle equipped with a plow (which makes it even slower), then you can push debris away.)
I'd like vehicles just for a bit faster way of transportation than running, a place to store a lot of stuff, extra armor when getting attacked by raiders and small arms fire, et cetera. Not for racing, and "jumping", and crashing through stuff without any consequences. Slow, but sturdy cars. If they can catch that feel, I'll be happy.
Off-Topic: Socialist Utopia? A fellow leftist amongst the ignoramuses.... hello, comrade.
