Its deep in NCR and if Beth decided to set Fo4 there, what would be the plot? The legion managed to invade California? The BoS strikes back? Setting the game in San Fran would require a stretch of imagination and lots of explainations as to why the NCR is suddenly so weak. Knowing Beth and their writing skills expect the reasons to be vague at best and ridiculous at worst.
Once again I propose the Pacific NW or Wyoming where the Great Khans are (if that ending is canon).
Exactly, if Bethesda can pull of the plot well in San Francisco, whether the next Fallout or not, it would have to be an epic game. Yes, it would be difficult, which is why pulling it off would be much more spectacular. Who knows? Like I said, maybe they're not as powerful there as they would like others to believe. Maybe there have been new groups forming to overthrow (not going public until they're strong enough to make prove a good opponent). And if they have a good position and enough allies they could win. For example, the group could be located in modern day: Lands End, Russian Hill, China Basin, Hunters Point, San Francisco Internation Airport, or (probably the best) the 1,000 foot stretch near the City College of San Francisco: Airport Campus. These are great places to hold down, they're mostly surrounded by water which gives two distinct advantages:
1) There are less places to attack from, thus easier to defend and harder to overthrow. Why do you think people built castles next to the sea? That's why.
2) You can recieve supplies from allies by sea, which is much harder to cut off then a river or a highway.
A great location is just the start of getting an advantage over your enemy, but once again you don't know how many people could be secretly plotting to overthrow NCR control. Hundreds, maybe even thousands could be in on it.
Again, it wouldn't make sense for them to have the NCR in ruins, so quickly. If you've played FO1 & 2, you see how the NCR evolves and grows. By the time of New Vegas, they're like what the US was before making the Louisiana Purchase, and other major land grabs. They're looking to expand, and take what resources they can, so they can continue to grow and expand. It would be very preemptive for FO4 to take place in San Francisco, showing the NCR collapsing. And like I said, even if there was a FO5, 6, 7, or even 8, I think showing the NCR falling to such a point so quickly, would be rather preemptive. It should be a reasonable decent, like anything else.
Like they say, "Rome wasn't built in a day," and Rome didn't fall in a day either. It took generations for the Roman Empire (Western or Eastern,) to collapse.
I'm not saying it would be taken down in a day. As I've said, who says Bethesda will make each game right around the same time period. The jump betweed FO2 and FO3 was 40 years. They could do that again, maybe not so extreme, and, tada, NCR could be weaker. I'm also not saying they completely crumble, I'm just saying the other Factions start to get a real foothold in the area. It's not our decision to really make, it's up to Bethesda and how they see the whole situation.
Just because people haven't played Fallout or Fallout 2 is no reason to go back to San Francisco. Those that haven't played the Originals can go out and buy them really cheap and play them. They can do a simple internet search to learn all about Fallout history. Re-making Fallout or Fallout 2 is a really bad idea and Bethesda should put their time into making their own original games, not re-doing other people's games.
No, der, don't pick on my weakest reason and leave out the ones that you clearly can't rival, considering you didn't even try. I didn't say that was the only reason, and that is barely a reason. Also, I didn't say remake Fallout 1&2, I said make a completely new original idea set in the same location. Plus, most people like Fallout the way Bethesda made it, not the old top view style which most people now-a-days don't like. I'm not saying pull the wool over the customers eyes by making them think San Francisco hasn't been done, if you read all of my points you'd have no ground for this little comment. Oh, and that "the people at Bethesda are genius'" thing was my opinion. Plus I guarentee their least creative person is twice as creative as you.