Official Ideas and Suggestions topic # 2

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:11 pm

Using items should be attached to an animation, it would add another element to combat(balancing between using items and potentially leaving yourself open or not) and be a natural way to limit potion spam.
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Sarah Unwin
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:28 am

I love the "use blades, gain blades skill" approach used in TES, compared to the traditional "gain XP, choose any skill" but it could use some work.

In Oblivion and previous TES installments, most skills improved very slowly, forcing the player to use unorthodox methods, like jumping from stairs, auto running against corners, spamming restore 1 health spells, etc.

There should be a smoother system in Skyrim e.g. when we cast Restoration spells with very low health, their contribution to our Restoration skill progress should be very high. Or when we kill someone with one blow with a sneak attack critical, again, its contribution to our Sneak and Weapon skill should be very high, etc.

Or maybe when we gain some skills during a quest, we should gain a bonus to those skills when the quest is complete. IDK. Please just discourage "power leveling".
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Cagla Cali
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:32 pm

Vastly reduced level scaling ala Morrowind.
No more generated terrain ever, ever, ever again, ever. Make it interesting and all handplaced once again ala morrowind (for the most part).
Interesting and sensical places to explore (please no more copy-paste fort ruins that don't even seem like they could have ever functioned in the first place) along with more diversity in types of ruins. (As a side note I can't recall but two or three interesting dungeons or any type cave, fort, or otherwise in all of vanilla oblivion and most of them were for quests)
Non-leveled Legendary items, why did Goldbrand svck just because I did at the time? (This falls under level scaling elimination, but oh well.)
Better Cities; more people, more unique, OPEN, and exteriors visable from interiors & vice-versa would be awesome
Combat similar to what Deadly Reflex 6 (a mod for oblivion) added would be cool, but I am confident you guys have already more than exceeded any expectations in this department
No more quick traveling, Morrowind had it perfect, but Oblivion was designed with the player's ability to teleport anywhere at any time in mind and I honestly hated it
No more god arrow, seriously that damn arrow on the compass... Kill it... please... I wan't to have to think again, or even pay attention to a dungeon when I go in so I can find my way back out again, but please no divine guidance.
Better Magic would be awesome, in Oblivion Damage over time spells were the most cost effective both in price to make, and in magicka cost and mages couldn't do jack after level 16 or so in vanilla. I would love it if you guys could look into this. A system for sometimes stumbling upon spells through use and other wise being trained spells with only experts n masters being able to create spells. Also bring back slowfall, levitation, mark & recall, noise, intervention, lock, etc (everything from Morrowind essentially) and give us the ability to delete or unlearn spells please.
Morrowind enchantmaents; enchants recharge over time, on use enchantments, perhaps being able to learn spells from scrolls, definately being able to make scrolls, and make it a skill again please
More realistic and interactive environments, I just would really enjoy some better and more interesting weather effects + seasons and accumulating snow, I mean with a mountainous area there is so much room for incredible effects and environments it would be sinful not to take advantage of it.
More wildlife and creature types along with more uniquely named and unleveled NPC enemies
Larger skill dichotomies. In vanilla Oblivion maxin everything was easy, in Morrowind it was more difficult. But in Skyrim why not make the level cap for skills 200 and bring back the major, minor, misc system for skills (this would still make it open ended and possible to change professions, but creates a real gap between what you are and aren't good at.) Also bring back medium and unarmored skills.
Please endow Nords with the supreme intellect required to hold an axe by its handle and not the cutting edge so it becomes an axe and not a blunt weapon.
There is a HUGE difference between fighting with a dagger and fighting with a claymore, lets see it reflected by different skills please?
Also more weapons and armors would be incredible.
Better archery, in all honesty Vanilla oblvion allowed you to create pincushions so riddled with arrows it was amazing they could still move unhindered, much less be alive.
If I nock somthing off a table why do I get arrested for trying to put it back? A mod called PIIP addressed this VERY well and even allowed you to slap and interact more dynamically with NPCs via the grab button (Once again I'm sure you have already both addressed this and made it better than we could have asked for, but I still recommend it =p)
Darker and more ambient dungeons (Vanilla were pretty bright) Also darker nights please
More realistic nighteye, In total darkness (No light sources) have it still be pitch black please just make nighteye amplify avaliable lightsources
More Npc interaction, deer drinking and grazing, mountain lions eating the deer, ogres eating the mountain lion, mobs of angry villagers hunting the ogre. Deserters hiding and skirmishing with legionaires. Water life and detail, just a more alive and immersive world.
Real forests/woods
"hardcoe Mode" eh Oblivion had it before fallout did via mods, but having it as a built in feature would rule
Less zippy timescale, Vanilla's was a little intense.
More consequences and more realistic fatigue, I still don't know why my wood elf recovered fatigue while running...
More choices and consequences, perhaps if you get off on the wrong foot with a noble he could hire assassins or just all around make you life miserable and all kinds of juicy good stuff like that I could litterally go on for hours on this one.
Dunmer, Morrowind voices and appearence please
Bosmer, Morrowind + concept art perfection
Taller Bretons
More druidic and intense looking Imperials
More variety in NPCs no more systematic sixpack-itis
Better racials, you guys always have such interesting backstories for each race, but it never really carries over into the game. If woodelves could walk over to trees and just dissapear why can't mine?
Monetary system that feels more organic (once again kind of like Morrowinds) A mod called Enhanced economy just about nailed this, htough if npc's could actually shop and create suppy-demand it would be amazing.
Also how the heck do merchants know what is stolen? Please get rid of this along with the pyschic bounty and attack radar system you implanted in those poor innocent guards.
No more persuasion wheel
Anyway I'm starting to ramble here, but I'm sure Skyrim already has all this and more. I eagerly await your next masterpeice guys ^.^

Edit, One more thing please
More equipment slots Morrowind had it perfect in this department as well, but even more wouldn't hurt!
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Kelly Upshall
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:22 pm

I wanted to add some things more to my list so here it is ...

Things I woul dpersonally like to be in the Game :

Engine Wise:

Dynamic Shadows
Soft Shading
Occlusion shadowing
Euphoria characters physics
Umbra occlusion geometry
Massive system of crowds people
Large cities complexes
Better improved AI mechanics
Mocap animations
All round 3d interactive environments to climb jump etc...
interynamic homes , so you can see throught windows what is happening outside and viceversa
dynamic lightning
subsurface scattering for skin textures and translucent objects
Better character customization options with decals , better morphing , facial animations with wrinkle maps etc...
Better water fluid dynamics and possibilities to use water as a tool or weapon , like breaking barrles of water , freezing water , give fire to oiils etc, make slippery surfaces for oil or ice ...

Game Wise:

Italian localization of dialogues ^^
different mounts and vehicles like carts and pack animals
Animals pets and slaves available
Better Companions hud
Better Figthing system
Better Stealth System
Better Magic system ( with physic interaction like on Dark Mesiah ) froze water , fire up a building or a prairie etc...
Huge world space at least 5 times bigger than Oblivion
Gore mature and dark atmosphere not teen oriented ( eventually with an option activate or not )
hardcoe mode ( Similar to Fallout NV But better implemented like really rest befoure recovering health , make a campfire , cook food etc)
Heavy cover necessities for frozen climates , ( cant run around naked or in skirt) But need to wear pelts and heavy garments over armours etc if is night or is snowing or anyway bad weather ...
Rain hitting covers and sliding on surfaces and clothes making character look wet
Thievery abilities to climb , use ropes , slide into tunnels run on narrow stuff etc...
Huge Open cities so that you coul deven fly above
Flight with mount and or with spell
Careers separation and more consistent differences among the classes chosen at beginning with more heavy bonuses and maluses and more specific for class only powers
Careers splitting between mage like , warrior like and thieves like classes
Different story paths to be followed according to the class choices
Possibility to end the game with one character and begin playing with another from the same game world changed by the first character making the first an NPC .
More class oriented quests available only to certain class choices
Severall fighting styles like dual wielding , lances , hammers , swords 2 h swors , mixed weapons , shields and tower shields , and exotic weapons styles .
Snow actually 3d with character sinking into it and leaving pathway behind , so severall deepness , going from light ( footprints only) to deep , almoust to chest to solid to frozen etc ...
Again Weather conditions conditioning really the way you need to dress and forcing eventually to take a shelter and prepare a campfire ( like if you have wilderness abilities you get adviced befoure when a storm is coming to get prepared for it )
Weather change by season
Fighting style ala 300 or Spartacus blood and Sand style ...
Balancement to not get uberpowered by becoming master in every class, the game should feel challenging even at the end of it ...
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Roy Harris
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:17 am

It's a pretty cool concept, but I'm not sure how I feel about the heads... they look a little big and wobbly. Maybe if they were implemented correctly.
Dude, give it eight more years development and I'm almost certain it'll look far better than what it is now.
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Laura-Jayne Lee
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:36 pm
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Adriana Lenzo
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:57 pm

I love the "use blades, gain blades skill" approach used in TES, compared to the traditional "gain XP, choose any skill" but it could use some work.

In Oblivion and previous TES installments, most skills improved very slowly, forcing the player to use unorthodox methods, like jumping from stairs, auto running against corners, spamming restore 1 health spells, etc.

There should be a smoother system in Skyrim e.g. when we cast Restoration spells with very low health, their contribution to our Restoration skill progress should be very high. Or when we kill someone with one blow with a sneak attack critical, again, its contribution to our Sneak and Weapon skill should be very high, etc.

Or maybe when we gain some skills during a quest, we should gain a bonus to those skills when the quest is complete. IDK. Please just discourage "power leveling".
How about this one for spells - if you're an apprentice at restoration, you only gain half as many skill points using novice spells as you would using apprentice spells. If you're a journeyman, you don't gain any xp using novice spells, half the xp using apprentice spells and full xp using journeyman spells. It won't completely eliminate power leveling, but at least it will make it less effective compared to using it like you would normally.
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XPidgex Jefferson
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:00 am

I really would just like for my character saves to be separate. For instance all my saves for "Outlander" are in one place. And all my saves for "Magelander" are in a different place. Basically how Dragon Age and Mass Effect handled save games so I don't accidentally save over my level 50 character with my newly made level 5 character.
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Marine Arrègle
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:22 am

i wish to add in that ES does not have guns in the game period. If you want guns, play fable or fallout. theres a reason why specially bethesda made guns for only fallout and medievil weapons only for the ES.

anyway, i still stick with my ideas :D

i personally want necromancy, blood magic, more followers (suggested females. make a female dark elf archer! pretty too hehe ;)
all downloadable content is able to be achieved off of xbox CD's just like from the fallout 3 expansion packs. not just from online in the marketplace
Access to a wizards tower; a place of your own that you love to crave for magic (like from oblivion)
realistic gore! this is a M rated game, not E! i want to see myself lopping someones head off or exploding their head with a war hammer! so basically, make it graphic!
should also add in survival skill, like from fallout NV. but don't call it "hardcoe" that was stupid.
if add in survival, food would be greatly useful then. so why not add in a cooking skill? i would like to try out a deer steak myself ;)
Mini games would be fun: like hunting contests or horse races.
keep respawn characters in the game: on fallout NV there were hardly any respawns, which made the game boring and dull.
least put some side quests in the game; like war side quests. have one kingdom at war against another or something like that.
for sure, add in random encounters! like bandits at war against the guards or sieging on them and it must be continual.
lastly, make the map huge. small maps is a no no; and bring back the construction option from morrowwind and try allowing the use of it on xbox too; not just on pc.
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Maddy Paul
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:43 am

I think what most people agree that the following things absolutely need to be in the game:

- CryEngine 2 or 3 like graphics
- Improved Physics
- Destructable Environments (Wouldn't it be cool to actually chop down a tree with your axe?)
- Seasons (Not just seasonal weather, but actually have the ground textures and foliage change after it has snowed, or have the trees be yellow in autumn)
- Mages Guild (I actually just came up with this one. But most people I've talked to have said they would rather there just be one Mages Guild instead of the Synod or the Whispers College, or whatever. It's just not the same.)
- A much improved levelling system. Oblivion was just too easy. You could finish the MQ at level 1, because all you had to kill were stunted scamps.
- Radiant AI that is actually radiant.
- Portalling might be nice. (In other words, if you're in an interior, say a house, you could look through the window and actually be able to see the city street outside.
- the return of spears (one-handed), throwing knives, and crossbows.
- the return of an Unarmored skill.
- the ability to create new skills and magic effects in the CS.
- Actual beards in the CharGen menu, not just the pathetic stubble toning options like Oblivion.
- Large, or at least larger than Oblivion, battles. No more defending Bruma from six Daedra. 50-60 actors on the screen at once would be nice, keep your fingers crossed.
- Ladders that the player and NPCs can clime in real time. Nice for a siege-type quest.
- Fighting on Horseback.
- New combat finishing moves like being able to stab or decapitate someone when their health is almost gone, like the Deadly Reflexes mod for Oblivion.

That's it. I think this list is reasonable, so let's hope that most, if not all, will be in the game. We may, however, be able to mod our way around some of this if it doesn't make it to the final product.
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Ella Loapaga
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:02 am

Some of these have already been mentioned, so sorry for any repetition but here's my list:


- No scaled levelling: back to Morrowind's system.
- Full-screen, zoomable map. Undiscovered areas fogged over until you discover them. Make us feel like a real explorer again.
- Better potion/alchemy system.
- Customisable weapons and armour.
- Better, more involving speech system - take a cue from Bioware.
- If dragons are going to be in the game, they should be rare and scary creatures, probably dungeon bosses (maybe guarding loot a la Smaug from The Hobbit?) There shouldn't be random dragons roaming around the country when we're at Level 5.
- More mounts: Dragons as mounts, as awesome as it sounds on paper, probably wouldn't work (it would have a serious effect on performance and framerate), but give us more than horses, and mounted combat is a must this time please?
- More vehicles for travel: boats could make it in (there's only sea on the north coast of Skyrim so it would have to be pretty limited). Possibly some pirate quests (they had a pirate's cove as DLC in Oblivion - were they testing the waters for a future feature?)
- Jobs: as in, those aside from the usual Guild jobs. Blacksmith, pirate, woodsman, etc.


- Hopefully it's not all snow and mountains. If it's anything like Norway (which is no doubt an inspiration for Skyrim), there should be quite a variety of landscape: snow-capped mountains yes, but also lush plains, dense, sloping forests, fjords, lakes and epic valleys.
- The topography should also be varied - not every area should be easily accessible, we should have to hike across mountains and through canyons sometimes to get to where we need to go.
- Epic mines deep within mountains a la Mines of Moria please...
- Speaking of mines/dungeons, they definitely need to be more varied: I'd rather have 50 or so unique dungeons over 400 copy-and-paste dungeons.
- Better cities: this is a must. Firstly, some cities should be open, not a separate, loaded environment. Secondly, they need to feel much more alive. I want a busy market town atmosphere with lots of NPCs like in Assassin's Creed. The way to get around this is to make it so that not every NPC can be talked to or has anything significant to say, and relevant NPCs and those with quests attached to them can be recognised with a little symbol above their heads. It's not an original idea, but Elder Scrolls needs to bring it in and I'm hoping the new engine allows for something like this. There's nothing immersive about a large ghost town with 20 NPCs wandering around aimlessly, (some of them with the same voice no less) and spouting random anecdotes.
- Some squad-based quests: there were shades of this in Oblivion but the engine held the scale and potential back.
- A cover-system for ranged combat in third-person.


- Realistic particle effects including blood splatters.
- Immersive weather effects including snowstorms, lightning and rain that bounces off environments and people.
- The weather outside should effect the look/lighting of the interiors.
- Cuts, mud, snow, scorched effects on body/armour.


- Lots more voice actors (at least 50) to ensure variety in voice-acting and dialects for different regions.
- Jeremy Soule either needs to up his game or I regret to say it, they need a new composer. I love the music in Morrowind and Oblivion, but for a game of such scope, there's never enough of it - you could hear the same theme about 10 times in an hour's play. The teaser music is promising though.
- Also, the music should have context-sensitive playback. It shouldn't go into an epic, operatic style of music when you're just fighting a lone mudcrab... Fallout 3's score was more subdued and almost ambient and that worked really well for the grim, depressing nature of the game. Skyrim seems to be going for a darker tone as well judging from the teaser so the sound design could play a really big part in creating the right atmosphere.


- A better-realised version of Radiant AI that was originally promised for Oblivion.
- Better AI for companions.
- Mo-capped animations: no more skating animations for running and constipated poses for jumping.
- A fully-adjustable third-person camera like Fallout 3's.


- I reckon there's going to be all-out war this time, with various factions and civil wars involved. I even reckon we might see a bit of Cyrodil again with the new engine (possibly for the finale, a dragon-riding airborne siege of the Imperial City?). Sequels have a habit of returning to previous locations with a new engine for nostaljisms (MGS4, Halo 3). We could see parts of Morrowind or Hammerfell as well.
- The return of werewolves...
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Chris Guerin
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:16 pm

How about this one for spells - if you're an apprentice at restoration, you only gain half as many skill points using novice spells as you would using apprentice spells. If you're a journeyman, you don't gain any xp using novice spells, half the xp using apprentice spells and full xp using journeyman spells. It won't completely eliminate power leveling, but at least it will make it less effective compared to using it like you would normally.

Works for me.
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Assumptah George
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:06 am

one thing i forgot to add in from my last post, which would be kinda meaningless.

but on the survival skill part, if theres a survival skill you should have the option from the starting point of the game to choose to live off of survival or not (hardcoe another words like on fallout NV.)
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:09 am

Factions + Jobs

That being, if you were a fighters guild member, you could take up a job as a bouncer, guard, personal guard, guard of the royal court, etc

Same for mage, court magister, go out to farms and help with the crop, just little things that help to make a game.

Just my 2 cents.
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GabiiE Liiziiouz
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:45 am

An experience slider. I know that TES is all about gaining ten attributes then you raise a level, but I mean I want this to revolve around the attributes. Say your blade skill is at 50 and your blunt is also at 50. And being at 9/10 for the attributes to leveling up and blunt and blade being both major skills. Which do I work on to get to the next level faster? I think Morrowind included a system that was out of 100 for the skills, well the GOTY, but I don't believe it was in Oblivion. I'd just like to see this in Skyrim.
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Tikarma Vodicka-McPherson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:31 pm

knowing that multiplayer will never exist, lets put some good use with the arena if there is one in this game:

add in multiplayer on the arena system. you know, have players visit the arena over online to battle others in the arena only. that way, it would make the game a little interesting, maybe a smart feature to add in, and would save alot of time and data instead of making the entire landscape of skyrim a multiplayer battle ground.

now for the arena multiplayer, you can have 1 on 1 battles and team battles up to 4.
you can also watch and place your bets on the battles.
you can win a ton of gold; also send in your results to like a board system to show how many wins, loses, etc.
A ranking system is a must if this is allowed: you always want to achieve and be the highest out of everyone else.
and a general store; buy some booze and enjoy the fight :)

i would personally allow this, but the only problem is this: godly characters and able to try and cheating over online. thats probably the only concern i have, out of the bugs and glitches.
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Dan Scott
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:48 pm

May seem typical, but I want some kind of haunted castle and a quest tied to it...

Just have a creepy random castle more or less in the middle of nowhere...
Once inside the castle there is nobody there, just a few notes and journals full of stories of the lord, his family, and his servants that lived in the castle and what happened to them... along with a few creepy poltergeist moments =/

You cannot leave the castle once entered and are prompted to go to sleep, when you awake the castle looks renewed and a servant greets you and says her lord wishes to see you...

There has been a murder of the lords wife and you are tasked with solving who did it...
You are to find a few clues to get hints who might have done it (including the journals left behind), but there really are not enough clues to know who really did it... once you decide who might have done it you return to the lord and reality comes back as the castle degrades back and the people turn into ghosts and skeletons... they kill the "murderer" and pass on to afterlife leaving behind a key to a treasure room or some cool weapon or something worthwhile...

Also I guess if you don't feel like doing the quest properly you could just kill the lord returning you to reality... only problem is that all the servants and family members will try to kill you

Thats just my idea of a huanted castle like quest, I would just like there to be one in the game =/
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:33 am

I think it would be cool to overhaul the alchemy skill. Making potions that could explode on enemies or other purposes would be neat. There's a lot of untapped potential in the alchemy skill. It might also be cool if these weren't something you could buy in stores (maybe because they people running Skyrim think they are too dangerous or aren't capable of making them) so you'd have to have alchemy to make them yourself. Some other ideas I've heard from other people on this include smoke bombs (for stealth, throwing the potion to cause a cloud of smoke to conceal your movements) or acid potions used to burn through locks on doors.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:26 am

I think what most people agree that the following things absolutely need to be in the game:

- CryEngine 2 or 3 like graphics
- Improved Physics
- Destructable Environments (Wouldn't it be cool to actually chop down a tree with your axe?)
- Seasons (Not just seasonal weather, but actually have the ground textures and foliage change after it has snowed, or have the trees be yellow in autumn)
- Mages Guild (I actually just came up with this one. But most people I've talked to have said they would rather there just be one Mages Guild instead of the Synod or the Whispers College, or whatever. It's just not the same.)
- A much improved levelling system. Oblivion was just too easy. You could finish the MQ at level 1, because all you had to kill were stunted scamps.
- Radiant AI that is actually radiant.
- Portalling might be nice. (In other words, if you're in an interior, say a house, you could look through the window and actually be able to see the city street outside.
- the return of spears (one-handed), throwing knives, and crossbows.
- the return of an Unarmored skill.
- the ability to create new skills and magic effects in the CS.
- Actual beards in the CharGen menu, not just the pathetic stubble toning options like Oblivion.
- Large, or at least larger than Oblivion, battles. No more defending Bruma from six Daedra. 50-60 actors on the screen at once would be nice, keep your fingers crossed.
- Ladders that the player and NPCs can clime in real time. Nice for a siege-type quest.
- Fighting on Horseback.
- New combat finishing moves like being able to stab or decapitate someone when their health is almost gone, like the Deadly Reflexes mod for Oblivion.

That's it. I think this list is reasonable, so let's hope that most, if not all, will be in the game. We may, however, be able to mod our way around some of this if it doesn't make it to the final product.
Out of all those, the ability to create new skills and spells is the one I want the most. And I think lots of other people would love that because of the myriad of possibilities that would go along with it. If one could create new skills, you could wind up having 100 or so miscellaneous skills in your character sheet, which I think would be awesome! Some people just like the default skills, which is perfectly fine. It's about having the "choice" and "option" to do so, not something that is forced upon the person. So overall, make the Construction Set much more diverse and able to change things that were once "hard-coded" in the previous games.
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Lewis Morel
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:45 am


If a construction set for consoles is made I think it should work like this. It will work a lot like halo's forge. You open up the editing menu and you have many option like map editing, weapon editing, ai editing, and some other ones that you can think of.

For the map editing there would be a lot Bethesda made objects which you place anywhere.

For weapon editing you would choose from a list of all the weapons if the game and you would be able to modify them. You can modify things like damage, range, enchantments, and other simple things. This should be the same armor and clothing too.

For the ai editor you place ai anywhere you want and modify it's health, how much damage it does, the weapon and armour it is carrying, how easy can it detect others, hostity level, and also the ability for you to make set paths for it.

Note that made these features very console friendly. Also I don't think you should be able to download mods for consoles since it complicates a lot of things. Another thing is that this system does need tweaks.
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Tamara Dost
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:49 am

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Melissa De Thomasis
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:37 pm

I would like to be able to do many important things in the game without having to kill stuff.
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Nikki Morse
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:47 am

I would like to be able to do many important things in the game without having to kill stuff.

As in making social skills like Speechcraft and Mercantile more important? I don't disagree with you.

As for me, I suggest removing Oblivion's fast travel system, and replace it with horses and Morrowind-esque transit.
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Cathrin Hummel
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:38 pm

It seems that most of the suggestions on this thread are about making the game almost equivalent to a real world environment. However, I think this approach to making suggestions is somewhat wasteful and will tend to inflate expectations beyond reason. Would it really be all that great if water could slosh around realistically? How much does that actually add to gameplay when you consider how much it costs to implement?
Also, a lot of suggestions just say things like "make magic better" or "make speechcraft cooler" without actually saying anything about it. The developers are trying to make everything better from their own perspective. If you want to change the game, you need to phrase a suggestion in a way that would appeal to the developers. Firstly, the suggestion needs to be easy to read. Personally I don't find long lists of bullet points to be easy to read, because single isolated platitudes don't interest me as much as a well developed idea. Secondly, the statements should be distilled to at least some extent to contain the essence of what you are trying to improve. Suppose that all you have to say is "make shadows better, make physics better, make combat better, ...," then maybe you should break up that long list of bullet points into a shorter list of inspired ideas.

P.S. I agree that you should be able to do things without needing to kill stuff. In fact, I think that many of the "character development" problems of NPC's in the game could be solved if they weren't killed off so frequently. Even the bandits.
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Lalla Vu
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:49 am


If a construction set for consoles is made I think it should work like this. It will work a lot like halo's forge. You open up the editing menu and you have many option like map editing, weapon editing, ai editing, and some other ones that you can think of.

For the map editing there would be a lot Bethesda made objects which you place anywhere.

For weapon editing you would choose from a list of all the weapons if the game and you would be able to modify them. You can modify things like damage, range, enchantments, and other simple things. This should be the same armor and clothing too.

For the ai editor you place ai anywhere you want and modify it's health, how much damage it does, the weapon and armour it is carrying, how easy can it detect others, hostity level, and also the ability for you to make set paths for it.

Note that made these features very console friendly. Also I don't think you should be able to download mods for consoles since it complicates a lot of things. Another thing is that this system does need tweaks.

do some research, that will not work without a keyboard, nor is it intelligent to say you will get a modkit but not be able to use other mods.

i want extremely varied combat. with extremely varied enemis. the devs should look at a monster they will make and say to themselves "how do we make this original"?

a great example would be spiders being able to wallk on the walls or the ceiling
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