» Fri May 27, 2011 7:32 pm
Vastly reduced level scaling ala Morrowind.
No more generated terrain ever, ever, ever again, ever. Make it interesting and all handplaced once again ala morrowind (for the most part).
Interesting and sensical places to explore (please no more copy-paste fort ruins that don't even seem like they could have ever functioned in the first place) along with more diversity in types of ruins. (As a side note I can't recall but two or three interesting dungeons or any type cave, fort, or otherwise in all of vanilla oblivion and most of them were for quests)
Non-leveled Legendary items, why did Goldbrand svck just because I did at the time? (This falls under level scaling elimination, but oh well.)
Better Cities; more people, more unique, OPEN, and exteriors visable from interiors & vice-versa would be awesome
Combat similar to what Deadly Reflex 6 (a mod for oblivion) added would be cool, but I am confident you guys have already more than exceeded any expectations in this department
No more quick traveling, Morrowind had it perfect, but Oblivion was designed with the player's ability to teleport anywhere at any time in mind and I honestly hated it
No more god arrow, seriously that damn arrow on the compass... Kill it... please... I wan't to have to think again, or even pay attention to a dungeon when I go in so I can find my way back out again, but please no divine guidance.
Better Magic would be awesome, in Oblivion Damage over time spells were the most cost effective both in price to make, and in magicka cost and mages couldn't do jack after level 16 or so in vanilla. I would love it if you guys could look into this. A system for sometimes stumbling upon spells through use and other wise being trained spells with only experts n masters being able to create spells. Also bring back slowfall, levitation, mark & recall, noise, intervention, lock, etc (everything from Morrowind essentially) and give us the ability to delete or unlearn spells please.
Morrowind enchantmaents; enchants recharge over time, on use enchantments, perhaps being able to learn spells from scrolls, definately being able to make scrolls, and make it a skill again please
More realistic and interactive environments, I just would really enjoy some better and more interesting weather effects + seasons and accumulating snow, I mean with a mountainous area there is so much room for incredible effects and environments it would be sinful not to take advantage of it.
More wildlife and creature types along with more uniquely named and unleveled NPC enemies
Larger skill dichotomies. In vanilla Oblivion maxin everything was easy, in Morrowind it was more difficult. But in Skyrim why not make the level cap for skills 200 and bring back the major, minor, misc system for skills (this would still make it open ended and possible to change professions, but creates a real gap between what you are and aren't good at.) Also bring back medium and unarmored skills.
Please endow Nords with the supreme intellect required to hold an axe by its handle and not the cutting edge so it becomes an axe and not a blunt weapon.
There is a HUGE difference between fighting with a dagger and fighting with a claymore, lets see it reflected by different skills please?
Also more weapons and armors would be incredible.
Better archery, in all honesty Vanilla oblvion allowed you to create pincushions so riddled with arrows it was amazing they could still move unhindered, much less be alive.
If I nock somthing off a table why do I get arrested for trying to put it back? A mod called PIIP addressed this VERY well and even allowed you to slap and interact more dynamically with NPCs via the grab button (Once again I'm sure you have already both addressed this and made it better than we could have asked for, but I still recommend it =p)
Darker and more ambient dungeons (Vanilla were pretty bright) Also darker nights please
More realistic nighteye, In total darkness (No light sources) have it still be pitch black please just make nighteye amplify avaliable lightsources
More Npc interaction, deer drinking and grazing, mountain lions eating the deer, ogres eating the mountain lion, mobs of angry villagers hunting the ogre. Deserters hiding and skirmishing with legionaires. Water life and detail, just a more alive and immersive world.
Real forests/woods
"hardcoe Mode" eh Oblivion had it before fallout did via mods, but having it as a built in feature would rule
Less zippy timescale, Vanilla's was a little intense.
More consequences and more realistic fatigue, I still don't know why my wood elf recovered fatigue while running...
More choices and consequences, perhaps if you get off on the wrong foot with a noble he could hire assassins or just all around make you life miserable and all kinds of juicy good stuff like that I could litterally go on for hours on this one.
Dunmer, Morrowind voices and appearence please
Bosmer, Morrowind + concept art perfection
Taller Bretons
More druidic and intense looking Imperials
More variety in NPCs no more systematic sixpack-itis
Better racials, you guys always have such interesting backstories for each race, but it never really carries over into the game. If woodelves could walk over to trees and just dissapear why can't mine?
Monetary system that feels more organic (once again kind of like Morrowinds) A mod called Enhanced economy just about nailed this, htough if npc's could actually shop and create suppy-demand it would be amazing.
Also how the heck do merchants know what is stolen? Please get rid of this along with the pyschic bounty and attack radar system you implanted in those poor innocent guards.
No more persuasion wheel
Anyway I'm starting to ramble here, but I'm sure Skyrim already has all this and more. I eagerly await your next masterpeice guys ^.^
Edit, One more thing please
More equipment slots Morrowind had it perfect in this department as well, but even more wouldn't hurt!