Official Ideas and Suggestions topic # 2

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:39 am

I was thinking of just making user created content for the user only. Also I never said that there will be a cs made but what if one is made for consoles
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carley moss
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:46 am

Also I said that it should use halo's forge interface.
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Dustin Brown
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:29 am

you just spoke of a modkit...... :facepalm:

halos forge will not happen
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:28 am

you just spoke of a modkit...... :facepalm:

halos forge will not happen

Sorry I wanted to say that the mods should not be shared if there are to many complications for sharing mods. This forum keeps posting problems for sharing mods so that's why I said that. Although the system might be clunky its better than nothing and how do you know it might not work. Please explain.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:59 pm

Another idea for my system would be to put it on another disk and access it there. You can content on that disk and play it on the other.
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Javaun Thompson
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:44 pm

Some of these suggestions are mine, and others I've copied from the thread.


- Put a system of attributes progression that only depends on the race and the initial attributes (class), unlike Morrowind and Oblivion's system. This allows the player to better roleplay and to enjoy the game, instead of worrying about leveling certain skills to have an effective attribute leveling.

- Use the monsters and NPCs' level system of Morrowind: their levels are independent of the player's level. This will make the game more challenging and fulfilling, so if players want to do certain quests and go to certain areas, they need to level up for that.

- Don't put fast travel, put Morrowind-like traveling.

- Add more guilds than in Oblivion, quoting from a previous post: religious cults, pirate/bandit groups, hunting, town council, etc...

- Allow the player to use boats, and make more water monsters and NPCs (pirates, guards, merchants). Also add islands to explore.

- Randomly generated assignments. If you implement a functional and dynamic system for randomly generated tasks/assignments, you instantly add hours worth of gameplay. Make it a requirement that players seeking advancement complete a small number of these assignments for each rank of promotion. By the time the player reaches the highest ranks in each guild, he will have completed 15-25 random assignments in addition to meeting the other criteria (skill requirements, reputation/acclaim, and progress in the guild's main quest line). Allow the player to continue to do these assignments even after reaching the highest ranks in a guild. Maybe even allow the player to have some control over the assignments once he reaches an administrative level in a guild, like determining what sort of assignments are generated for the rest of the guild members, and what sort of assignments can be picked up by the player himself. If such as system is implemented well, to the extent that many players find the tasks to be interesting and enjoyable rather than mundane and repetitive, you are ensuring a high degree of replay value to the game.

- Create interesting/exciting opportunities for players even after they've reached the highest ranks of each guild. The randomly generated task idea outlined above would be a big step in this direction. Allow the player to take out contracts, play a rule in guild recruitment and discipline, sit in on council meetings with the other guild administrators, maybe even play a role in diplomatic relations with other major guilds.

- Add in different damage types (slashing, crushing, piercing, burning, schocking, freezing)


- Don't put artifacts that replace items like soulgems.

- Add NPCs to the roads

- Make usable items that allow vampires to be more useful, like walking outside during the day, and make vampire guilds. This allows to easily choose to be a vampire and not ruining the game.

- Add spears

- Add various type of mounts instead of just horses, if the lore allows to.
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Cagla Cali
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:39 pm

It seems that most of the suggestions on this thread are about making the game almost equivalent to a real world environment. However, I think this approach to making suggestions is somewhat wasteful and will tend to inflate expectations beyond reason. Would it really be all that great if water could slosh around realistically? How much does that actually add to gameplay when you consider how much it costs to implement?
True. $$$$ is the #1 thing. If it doesn't fit within the company budget, then it ain't gonna happen. Although I bet the Japanese could make a game that had water sloshing around when you walked through it. They're usually about 10 years ahead of America as far as technology. I wonder if there are any Japanese employees at BSG.
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Leanne Molloy
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:05 pm

Level scaling:
I really hope there's no level scaling. A bandit with armor that could purchase a small village? Plus it diminishes the stature that you should feel at advancement. Going from "almost dying every time" to "destroying with a single blow" is very satisfying. Also there is a sense of danger/realism when as a low-level character, there is the chance of running into things way beyond your abilities. When you ARE eventually able to tackle these problems, it feels a thousand times more satisfying.

Fast travel:
Take middle ground on this issue by doing a "sped-up" travel, like carriage ride (or flying creature/machine) which actually traverses the land you travel on (or over) at a very sped-up pace, so you still have a feeling for the distance you're traveling. Losing the perspective on how far you've traveled is the problem people have with fast travel. Eliminating it altogether is a ridiculous notion. I think this is a decent solution.

Plus there could be a chance for tense music to start and the camera would pan back to show someone/thing giving chase and possibly overtaking you...

And lastly. "Realism"/graphics arms race..... Don't invest more in graphics than you do in writing/scripting! Please. What does it matter if I can see drops of sweat, if the NPC doesn't react to me saying "hello" 20 times in a row? You will NEVER reach appropriate levels of graphical realism if you don't invest in BEHAVIOR. There's a reason "retro" gaming is popular, and it's the same reason that a lot of people prefer Morrowind to Oblivion...

I really love this series, thank you for putting so much into it, and good luck!
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Ian White
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:19 am

here is a list of what i wanna see in skyrim:(i liked many things that morrowind had over oblivion)

1. blacksmithing...u can make gear with same stats but diffent looks(like elfen sword vs daedric with same damage...}
2. kicking with foot(like dark messiah)
3. an air type spell (probably destuction) that knocks targets back
4. you shouldn't be able to resist 100% the spells(same with spell absorbsion/reflect damage). Also resist magic should decreases damage of the magic or magic effects on you...
5. spears
6. use cloth within armor
7. places with good gear but impossible to defeat the guardians till high lvl
8. casting times on some strong spells. make a pure mage have an advantage over a tank mage when using magic...(like faster spell casting more damage)
9. different main quest ending chosen by your actions
10. not unbalanced gear like that 50 % resist magic ring...gear from quests shouldn't be storger depending your lvl when u finish the quest
11. more use of the enviroment like traps( but getting xp if a enemy is killed by it)
12. dual stealth daggers
13. not possible to block arrows with a 2h sword
14. your character should get hungry (like arx fantalis i think...) and get tired...make arms/legs cripple like in fallout...bandages
15. dark elfs should get some skills used when is night( like seeing in the dark)
16. fatigue when u run...u should get tired when using weapons...more when u use heavy armor
17. heavy armor vs light armor vs unarmed(give it as skill like morrowind) should have differencies...heavy is more armor but it slows u down and makes casting slower than the other 2
18. pets... lvl them ...fead them...
19. jobs like hunter/blacksmith/alchemist... something like gothic 2
20. enchancements on swords but not permament like fire weapons...
21. short sword/2h sword/dagger/longsword skill like in morrowind (same with blunts)
22. defensive offensive stance
23. better character cretion,,,like beards
24. with acrobatics at 100 u dumped so high in svcked

that all i can think about sorry for my gramar mistakes
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Nitol Ahmed
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:01 am

I'd like to see

Fishing in the game, different fishing poles, gear and fishing waiters, with a cooking skill added to the game to make jerky (like health restore potions).

More customization over houses, maybe legendary monsters that can be hunted down and the heads used as trophies and then mounted on the wall giving a + attribute.

Gardens out side your homes, seeds can be randomly found when you gather flowers and herbs for alchemy.

Note leaving on the map.

Dual weapons.

Companion pets like wolfs/dogs for attacking (would make ranged attacks better, if pets held the target away from you), or mules for better packing.

Make the taverns alive inside, drunken fights, gambling, dancing girls and traveling bands of bards that will give a short attribute buff. The weekly ingame newspaper can give band dates and locations.

Capes like for knights.

Craft gifts to give to NPCs to make them like you better.

Random and rare treasures found with treasure maps.

Work for the town guards to track down bounties on npcs.
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Skrapp Stephens
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:48 am

I would like to be able to do many important things in the game without having to kill stuff.


Also: cloaks and capes. That way, when my character has completed every quest of every line and raided everything ever, granted title of Official Grand Vizier of Life, the Universe, and Everything, I can look the part with a fancy cape.
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Ross Zombie
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:01 am

Ta-daa! A whole new question in my character creation. I've had this in my head for months, always forget to write it down. I'll put up the whole text again sometime soon, the rest are available in my signature as always.

"What motivates you into a life of adventurer?" was a question in Daggerfall. There were few options, and they didn't have a big impact on anything. That is easily fixed. New question "What gives you pleasure in life?" will determine how do you roleplay to stay in character. The gameplay should somehow encourage you to occasionally do the things that you decide your character loves to do. That's up to developers.
Some quick answer examples out of my head:
-Helping others
-Eating good food
-Eating a lot
-Drinking fine alcohols
-Getting drunk
-Living outdoors
-Living cosily
-Wearing fancy clothes
-Doing business
-Stealing others' property
-Killing innocent people
-Inflicting pain

the list could be endless. Especially when it's easy to mod in more content.

Choosing only one option should represent an unhealthy obsession in something. How easy would it be to roleplay a drunkard, if drinking was the only thing that he's looking forward. Or a homicidal maniac. A normal person might have 3-6 things that he/she finds important. My ranger and woodsman would be happy living outdoors, hunting and fishing his own food, and occasionally doing some good errands for people. My fat merchant would be motivated by riches and high-life. He'd live in the most expensive inns, drink and eat only the best consumables available, dress fancily and travel here and there always buying and selling new stuff. Just add a sadistic urge on top of that, and you have a whole new person there!
In these forums people use the verb 'roleplaying' or RP as sort imaginary game elements. They just descide that their character should do these things, and then it's all up to themselves if they stick to the plan; the game mechanics don't have anything to do with it. Now you could choose IF you want the game to support your roleplaying, and it would have an impact on your playing. Choosing none should also be an option.

Tell me what you think, especially those who I see using the term RP. (I don't do that myself, I want the game to support it or it's just plain faking imo) And suggest more choices!
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Doniesha World
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:57 am

As in making social skills like Speechcraft and Mercantile more important? I don't disagree with you...

Not necessarily just speechcraft and mercantile. I just felt that I almost always had to kill stuff in Oblivion. Morrowind and the new Fallouts did it better I think.
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sarah taylor
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:16 am

If there were options in dialogue the speechcraft would be more important. Think Bioware games.
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Miss K
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:36 pm

If there were options in dialogue the speechcraft would be more important. Think Bioware games.


Were-Creatures anyone.

My question is, why are we even bothering. 11-months until release, that means that 95% of it is done. It is highly unlikely that gameplay mechanics will change. They are probably working on dungeons and side quests right now.
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Kari Depp
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:56 pm

Bare with :)

Heheh, I have a LOT to say on this matter, a bit too much
But here it is:

Crime and Punishment:

When I kill somebody, even in a basemant, if it's not a one-hit-kill, why does every guard in the whole of the game suddenly know exactly where I am and that I have murdered somebody. No witness should mean no crime, to a certain extent (if a gurad hears their shouts then they should become temporarily alerted like in Assassins Creed, but it's still possible to escape unnoticed).

Stolen goods- again, this is a consequence of implementing psychic guards- when you are arrested, even if you pay your fine, why is it that, no matter how long you've had your stolen items or how far away youa re from where they were stolen, they always get taken away from you? There should be a percentage chance system of how likely things are to get confisacted based on how long they have been stolen and how unique/valuable they were (and whether the person who owned them is still alive ). Another part to this is that it is ridiculous if you so much as pick up something that doesn't belong to you, even if it were just to move it say, across a table, you were automatically accused of being a thief and the psychic guards would go after you. I mean, it's ridiculous that if you pick someone's bread loaf up, put it back down 1 second later a guard will be content to send you to jail or even kill you if you refuse to co-operate.

Levelling balance:

NO PROGRESSIVE DIFFICULTY- the worst thing about Oblivion was that you could do the main quest perhaps easier if you went through it right from the off than if you waited till you were level 20. Difficulty should be based on areas of the game, some level of randomness and on what quest you are doing- for example the first part of the main quest should maybe be achievable by somebody lower than level 5, but the last part very hard if you aren't over level 20.

Like has been already said, they need to fix the levelling system. It's actually very easy to fix- abandon the multiplier system based on what skills have been levelled up. Have a set amount of attribute points to spend per level-up and maybe have each skill progress those attributes further purely based on the level of the skill, e.g. when you get 50 blade maybe your strength is automatically increased by 10. As well as this, scrap the way endurance works- an attribute which is not retroactive is terrible, as to get a good amount of health you basically had to level up endurance right from the off, as endurance only affected how much HP gained per level up. Just make it so that each level of endurance adds a ceratin amount of HP, it's really not difficult.

Generally balance out skills etc- why on earth would anybody put points on personality instead of strength or intteligence? You spend around 1% of your game time needing people to be higher disposition, and you can always just bribe them, whereas somebody with a lot of personality cannot talk a zombie into killing itself.

Item Balancing:

I would personally like to see a slight removal of items stats. This is really just a personal preference, but I would quite like for armors not to have a definite level of protection, I would quite like to be able to have a guess at what armor are more useful based on appearance, how much gold I can get for it and just plain trying it out. Need more variation on armor and weapons too, it gets really dull and linear sometimes, especially at higher levels where you just know that Deadric is the best and there is no excitement any more from looting.


Make more flashy spells, and make magic attacks generally a bit more powerful, so that even a melee warrior will want to use magic every now and then when he has enough magicka. Also maybe try and clean up the problem of restoration being so essential for melee warriors, it stoped you from using more interesting spells, maybe give everybody a good healing spell which does not requitre magicka but has a fair amount of recharge time.

General Gameplay/Combat:

I personally would prefer to have less health and die quicker, but also kill people quicker. I myself hated the difficulty slider, and would instead maybe prefer a slider which simply toggles the "realism" of the game, as I found at higher levels it was very boring spending minutes hacking away at one enemy- I want the combat to be more exciting.

Sneak attacks more powerful, I want to be able to quitely kill someone in one hit if I sneak up to them in their sleep and stab them in the head when they have no armor on! Also there should be enemy weakspots, possibly where they are unarmoured or have a soft patch under the stomach for creatures etc where you can do considerably more damage, but it's harder to get them there. It would add more tactics to fighting monsters rather than just trying to outlast them blocking and backing away etc whilst hacking at their body.

Might be nice to add some more interesting combat moves and variety, but it's not majorly high on my list as I can see it's hard to implement rolling and all that in a game designed primarily for first person, but if they found a way then I would love to see this sort of stuff.

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Victoria Bartel
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:54 am

I said something similar in another thread but since this is the official suggestion threads here I am.

I have been playing "Just Cause 2" lately and It has a huge island in detail with hundreds of kilometers maybe near 1000km without any stutter. The game of course has dumb AI and aside from the detail in the terrain, cities and installations it has nothing much, and I know any elder scrolls, specially in Oblivion had so many elements, AI interacting, doing their things, etc... the comparison is not fair in any sense, but inmediatly I thought of a Skyrim having such vast land, it would be simply... amazing.

* My suggestion is a huge land map with hundreds of different places to explore and tones of sidequests. Double the size of Oblivion map possible?

* Huge number of side-quests to be playing the game for EVER (I know it is an exageration but you get my meaning).

* Be able to transform into dragon (I loved it in Divinity 2)
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Amy Masters
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:10 am

Just in general I suppose: less exploits, more speechcraft, more diverse weapons, carefully picked out Fallout-influenced things (yes to dialogue, no to skill distribution method).

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Sunnii Bebiieh
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:22 pm

There should be seasons in this game at least too
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:29 pm

1) I would like to see my character muscles raise as my skills raise.
2) I would like to see my shield or my armor when they hit me to be damaged as the cars damaged in car games
3) I would like to see my stats lowered as many items i carry, and when i carry a lot of items or i wear heavy armor and i'm in the water to go at the bottom.
4) I would like to shoot someone with my bow in the head and be immediately dead.
5) I would like to see heads,hands legs to be cut off.(gore option in menu)
6) I would like to see better NPCs and more voices(not like oblivion 1200 npcs with 10 voices)
7) I would like to see better leveling system like OOO
8) I would like to see better character creation like fallout3 and better.
9) I would like to see Dragons, or to find a dragon egg? and to raise your own dragon?
10)I would like to see more weapons/armors gothic/medieval style and more
11)I would like to see my character to gather materials/wood and make fire and camp where ever he wants.
12)I would like to see better AI for enemies and big bosses.
13)I would like to see mythical weapons hidden behind stories myths and legends witch you mast follow to find them.
14)I would like to see bigger and medieval castles.
15)I would like to see rivers crossing the mainland.
16)I would like to see better animations and my character can climb walls like other games(riddike)

and many more like darkui, elven maps etc...
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:10 am

1) I would like to see my character muscles raise as my skills raise.

Doesn't strength already do that? If so then I think what they already have is fine. In any case, I would prefer muscle tone to be determined by strength rather than your skill with an axe or whatnot, makes a lot more sense.
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Matt Bee
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:03 pm

As i said before:

1) attack on horse
2) command orders to my followers
3) 2 cooperative play (only whit 2 im happy)
4) voice in my character (choose among 4 or 5 options)
5) dismemberment (in oblivion i felt my sword like a bat, not sharp at all)
6) Not a MMO!
7) SUPER REALISTIC DIFICULTY optional (not fast travels, need food, need rest, one hit kill, one hit die, etc)
8) pet companion (like a dog)
9) more beutiful people (or everyone in Tamriel is uggly?)
10) write books (there are a lots of books in oblivion but i wanted to write some words about my beautyful khajiit)
11) more clothes (not armor, clothes that looks good, not like shivering issles ones that looks ridiculous)
12) keep poisons (i love made posisons)
13) Head shots whit bow and arrows
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:27 pm


I want birds circling on the sky, landing on trees and flying away when you come closer or disturb it somehow. I also want them to have very basic level of Radiant AI. Act protective for their youngs, feed them, do stuff in daily basis etc.. etc..

hell yeah i want birds!
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:42 pm


if the "no fats travel" and the "SUPER REALISTIC DIFICULTY (food, sleep, fast kill fast die, etc) " requests are allowed maybe this ones are good ideas:

1) Is further better travel in day that in night, maybe at night there are a lot of creatures attackin you.

2) camping at night is necesary, maybe one of your followers can keep awake searching for creatures (or thieves, or vampires, etc etc.)


you are a kajiit and the night makes you a better creature like:
-Permanent night vision (not necesary cast it)
-bonus in strenght and speed at nights.

maybe the kajits search for caves to camp at day.

But i hate the blue night vision, is boring see all the time one color, so maybe the night vision is beetter if only there are more brightness in the screen.

sorry because my bad english.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:25 am

oh and another ting about the kajiit i want his legs like the morrowind ones, more like cats that like humans, if i can't wear boots because i'vgot claws it doesnt matter, i want animal legs :P
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