Bare with

Heheh, I have a LOT to say on this matter, a bit too much
But here it is:
Crime and Punishment:
When I kill somebody, even in a basemant, if it's not a one-hit-kill, why does every guard in the whole of the game suddenly know exactly where I am and that I have murdered somebody. No witness should mean no crime, to a certain extent (if a gurad hears their shouts then they should become temporarily alerted like in Assassins Creed, but it's still possible to escape unnoticed).
Stolen goods- again, this is a consequence of implementing psychic guards- when you are arrested, even if you pay your fine, why is it that, no matter how long you've had your stolen items or how far away youa re from where they were stolen, they always get taken away from you? There should be a percentage chance system of how likely things are to get confisacted based on how long they have been stolen and how unique/valuable they were (and whether the person who owned them is still alive ). Another part to this is that it is ridiculous if you so much as pick up something that doesn't belong to you, even if it were just to move it say, across a table, you were automatically accused of being a thief and the psychic guards would go after you. I mean, it's ridiculous that if you pick someone's bread loaf up, put it back down 1 second later a guard will be content to send you to jail or even kill you if you refuse to co-operate.
Levelling balance:
NO PROGRESSIVE DIFFICULTY- the worst thing about Oblivion was that you could do the main quest perhaps easier if you went through it right from the off than if you waited till you were level 20. Difficulty should be based on areas of the game, some level of randomness and on what quest you are doing- for example the first part of the main quest should maybe be achievable by somebody lower than level 5, but the last part very hard if you aren't over level 20.
Like has been already said, they need to fix the levelling system. It's actually very easy to fix- abandon the multiplier system based on what skills have been levelled up. Have a set amount of attribute points to spend per level-up and maybe have each skill progress those attributes further purely based on the level of the skill, e.g. when you get 50 blade maybe your strength is automatically increased by 10. As well as this, scrap the way endurance works- an attribute which is not retroactive is terrible, as to get a good amount of health you basically had to level up endurance right from the off, as endurance only affected how much HP gained per level up. Just make it so that each level of endurance adds a ceratin amount of HP, it's really not difficult.
Generally balance out skills etc- why on earth would anybody put points on personality instead of strength or intteligence? You spend around 1% of your game time needing people to be higher disposition, and you can always just bribe them, whereas somebody with a lot of personality cannot talk a zombie into killing itself.
Item Balancing:
I would personally like to see a slight removal of items stats. This is really just a personal preference, but I would quite like for armors not to have a definite level of protection, I would quite like to be able to have a guess at what armor are more useful based on appearance, how much gold I can get for it and just plain trying it out. Need more variation on armor and weapons too, it gets really dull and linear sometimes, especially at higher levels where you just know that Deadric is the best and there is no excitement any more from looting.
Make more flashy spells, and make magic attacks generally a bit more powerful, so that even a melee warrior will want to use magic every now and then when he has enough magicka. Also maybe try and clean up the problem of restoration being so essential for melee warriors, it stoped you from using more interesting spells, maybe give everybody a good healing spell which does not requitre magicka but has a fair amount of recharge time.
General Gameplay/Combat:
I personally would prefer to have less health and die quicker, but also kill people quicker. I myself hated the difficulty slider, and would instead maybe prefer a slider which simply toggles the "realism" of the game, as I found at higher levels it was very boring spending minutes hacking away at one enemy- I want the combat to be more exciting.
Sneak attacks more powerful, I want to be able to quitely kill someone in one hit if I sneak up to them in their sleep and stab them in the head when they have no armor on! Also there should be enemy weakspots, possibly where they are unarmoured or have a soft patch under the stomach for creatures etc where you can do considerably more damage, but it's harder to get them there. It would add more tactics to fighting monsters rather than just trying to outlast them blocking and backing away etc whilst hacking at their body.
Might be nice to add some more interesting combat moves and variety, but it's not majorly high on my list as I can see it's hard to implement rolling and all that in a game designed primarily for first person, but if they found a way then I would love to see this sort of stuff.