Here are some of my ideas.
1. I like to be sneaky.
So I say for the sneaky guys out there Bethesda should make some epic assassination animations!
Different assassination animations with all weapons possible!
2. what about a potion that would stop time or make the time go slower?
3. Maybe you could use other ammunition for your bow/crossbow then only arrows.
What about dinner plates or forks and misc as ammunition?
4. A thing I really would like to see are different skeletons from all creatures. Not only human skeletons.
And of course more zombie creatures. Not only human zombies.
5. Would it be cool if a water creature came to you to kill you that you could freeze the water when half of his body was sticking out and he was stuck?
Or better wait for his head to come above water and then freeze the water and you smash his head!
6. I would like stalls next to the roads in the woods near a village.
And you can buy and sell stuff. But those stalls could also be robbed by thieves and if you catch those thieves you get a reward.
Something like getting money and a free bed for 1 night.
7. Maybe a dungeon prison with puzzles and dangerous enmies to escape
8. What about a spell that you can crawl in someones else body?
Like you are a khajiit and use the swap spell to control another human for awhile get him in trouble change back in khajiit and lol at the human who gets chased by guards.
9. I also would like that you can cut off the legs or arms of the enemies with weapons.
Like you shoot a arrow from the crossbow into an enemies head and it pulls of the head straight away if the arrow goes fast enough.
Or you damage the enemies leg and hit the leg with your sword that causes the enemy to beg for mercy and let him escape so he can die peacefully in the woods. Now you have a leg as an souvenir!
Simply just like Fallout 3 were limbs could be shot off the body.
I also would like that your shield could break in pieces and that it would fall on the ground not just dissappear in your list listed as ''broken'' same thing could happen with the enemies shield.
This makes you to repair your stuff in time.
10. You have a spell that makes a teleport on the ground were you throw that spell. Than if you made a few teleportes all over tamri?l you could enter your self made teleport at the places you placed them. Your teleportes will be showed on your map.
11. What about this spell?
You create an endless falling hole on the ground.
If people walk over it they simply will fall for ever and ever and ever...until they die.
Now this could be used as a trap for enemies! You just made a black hole getting the attention of the enemy and lured the enemy into the black hole!
If you fall into the hole will die.
12. I have to mention this because I would really like to see more emotion of people.
Like when I sneak and a enemy heard me he is not like walking to me like a normal daily person to search for me.
I want him to be carefull a little weighed and holding his weapon ready to attack intruders.
This also makes you to be more carefull.
Also like when you are in thieves clothes and people see you they would say *is that a thief out there?* And the city guard tries to catch you and dropping you outside the town.
And if you are riding a mount and wearing scary armor people would run away or say *who the hell is that?*
13. What about a time spell?
You can use this special time spell once a day.
You could use it if something did not go as you wanted it to go.
Maybe you attacked a city guard thinking it was an enemy from your quest. Time spell lets you travel back into the past.
You can choose how many hours or minutes you want to go back but you cannot go higher then 23:59.
14. What about when you kill a guy in a village or the woods it will appear in the newspaper or something.
The murder will be spread around the city by a town crier who sells the news on that paper scroll like in Oblivion.
Other news besides murder could be on that news scroll aswell.
So you will see stuff in the news paper scroll which could be about you.
15. You sometimes see camps with camp fires.
What if you have some meat with you and you could cook/bake that meat and it would give a beter status or something.
Like it would give more health.
And it would be stronger in Alchemy.
16. Ok so you are in the woods.
Suddenly a black hole appears in the ground with smoke coming out of it and someone crawls out of it (an enemy) Like a very demonic beast.
You need to survive!
You can run away because its very strong or try to kill him and obtain the special item which every of these demonic beasts carry with them called ''Don't have a name yet'' and its something of his body.
You can sell that for a lot of Gold/Silver/Bronze coins.
17. I would like to see so many new creatures.
Scary ones, Beast ones, Weird ones. (Furry ones)
:P you get the point.
And make some of them ride-able.
18. I would like to see a guild called the Drunken Clam!
The drunken clam building has something special, but before you can lay an eye on that special thing you have to become soooo friggin drunk and have to do fighting quests!
When drunk you hardly can walk straight and don't let me start talking about fighting while drunk.
Could be the fun part in TES:V
19. What about you drink a very rare potion and you can become a ghost for a limited ammount of time?
You could float into walls and get out at the other side.
You can make this potion yourself but the ingredi?nts are very hard to find, same counts for the potions.
Oh and I really hope to see terrifying/fearful ghosts in TES:V that you wish you would never come accross one.
20. Would it be cool to see people near campfires talk and sing with eachother?
Like mine diggers searching for gold in their mines.
At first not all the people near camps directly will kill you but first have a talk with the leader and if he is going to hate you he sends all of his men to hunt you down including himself. But if he likes you you could work for him and find gold and get a share of it!
I really do hope it will be harder to get much gold so you will have to try to do anything to obtain some gold coins or bags so you finally can buy the stuff you want/need!
21. I hope there are much weather effects.
Like fog, rain, storm with wind and rain, snow, big and hard hails that could damage you so you need to find shelter.
Also with much VERY MUCH rain you could catch a could and become ill.
Perhaps all seasons? Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter.
And during the winter you could have snowball fights!
22. Local news!
Fisherman was abused by a witch!
Whoever hunts down the witch and takes proof with him gets rewarded for it!

This could be used to get you some more money.
23. Maybe you could invite some people over to your house for an party.
Then when they arrive lock your doors and murder them and get their belongings. ^^
Also some improvement on lock-picking? Maybe some different harder locks?
24. Yeah what about no more loading screens when you enter houses dungeons caves etc...?
25. Hey you know what I would like to see?
That other people which you thought were nice but in truth are murderers.
They abduct people and lock them up in cages.
Now you ordered a drink in a bar. When done drinking you suddenly feel weak and sleepy and faint away.
Once you waked up you found yourself only with underwear locked up in a dungeon in a cage were some other people are locked in in cages aswell.
You talk with them and they tell you what the murderers do with you.
They say they will torture you first than you will get beastly slaughtered.
Now you need to find a way to escape and make a plan before you die!
Would be cool don't you think?

26. Would it be cool to escape cages and prisons with a file?
Like you need to shed the steel bars?