» Sat May 28, 2011 1:20 am
Hey people, after browsing the forum for some time, I decided to make an account as I want to voice my opinions about what I'd like to see in Skyrim :turned:
1: After reading on another thread about a banking system, getting loans etc, I thought it'd be pretty cool to expand upon that. What if there were different places you could get loans (similar to today's loan sharks). Such as there being a group of dodgy people where you can get loans from, and that if you do not pay them back in time, they send, basically.. hit-squads after you. Obviously they'd be using swords, and they wouldn't call themselves hit-squads, but in the Elder Scrolls universe, an equivalent. You could get the option to either:
Pay them back there on the spot
Pass a speech check to give you another week (dependant on your speech level perhaps? I dunno, that's for Bethesda to decide)
Attempt to either kill them or run away.
Obviously if you were to borrow loans from a bank, they would send guards after you instead of the criminal equivalent.
2: A vast (perhaps randomized?) selection of hidden items (such as weapons, armour etc). I loved exploring dungeons etc in Oblivion, there would always be a chance you'd find a special sword or whatever. I was thinking it could also be randomized, for instance, another friend could go to the same place, perhaps even do the same quest, and be given a special item that is completely different to yours. For example, if you were to do a quest for a priest, he wouldn't give you items COMPLETELY different to another friend, such as a Daedric sword for you and a loaf of bread for your friend. But randomized in the way that you would always have that feeling of wanting to explore more, to find even more quests, in hopes of finding more items. Obviously if an NPC was to give you a different item to what a friend had, the item could then be found in a different location later, or perhaps you had the option of what item to pick, similar to World of Warcraft?
3: Gore levels. Now I realise Oblivion did appeal to a very wide audience, but I personally think it is time to make the gore level a little more realistic. Not to the extent you can chop individual fingers off for instance, but I don't see why you're not able to behead somebody if you manage to do a side swing with a battle-axe when the enemy has very little health left. I understand this isn't Soldier of Fortune, but surely they should be able to implement a fine-line between Oblivion's gore level and Postal 2's. Don't get me wrong, I don't want to cut an enemy's leg off, and see him crawl away, but if I fire an arrow at someone with enough force, should it not impale them to a wooden wall perhaps? Furthermore, why not add a gore level slider? I'm sure it's not insanely difficult.
4: Combat! I am ever so glad they are using a completely new engine for Skyrim. I think one thing they need to address prior to anything else to do with combat, is the fact enemies sometimes just don't respond to attacks either on Elder Scrolls / Fallout games. I've had to resort to using mods for New Vegas just so that enemies die in a realistic amount of time without me having to shoot them in the head 10 times in a row, only to lose half my health in the process. If you slice someone with a sword, they should hold their wound in pain, they shouldn't just shrug it off like it was nothing and still be able to attack you with the exact same amount of strength prior to the damage they just took. For instance, in Oblivion, you can slice away at a beggar, yet they still manage to outrun you and tell the Imperial Guards. I truely believe that if you hit someone in the leg with some sort of Battle-Hammer type-weapon, they shouldn't slide across the floor giving even more distance between you and them. I don't want it to be one sided either, if I get hit with an arrow in the leg, I want to stumble back for a few seconds before I have a chance to block off any more attacks headed my way.
5: Crippling, crippling, crippling. What I really liked about Fallout 3 onwards is that you couldn't jump off a huge ledge without there being a significant chance you're going to cripple at least one of your legs. The same should go for Skyrim, if I manage to get an arrow lodged into an enemies kneecap for instance, I don't want him to run at me like I just massaged it for him. It also gives you another way to spend your money. I found it a bit stupid how there were no Doctors in Oblivion, regardless of how many fights you get into along the way. I realise there's health potions, spells etc, but for crippled wounds, your arm shouldn't just suddenly snap back in place.
I have alot more, but it's already a brickwall as it is. Discuss!