Official Ideas and Suggestions topic # 2

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:44 pm

I don't know if anybody mentioned it before, but I'd like the skills/abilities/spells/potions not to be overpowered. For example, you shouldn't be able to perma-enchant your amor for 100% chameleon. Also, some spells should have something like diminishing returns in WoW, so you won't be able to sneak through the entire dungeon casting invisibility every 10 seconds. I simply want more balance in combat, so you won't be able to exploit some engine drawbacks. For instance, in oblivion you could run backwards with your bow as fast as you could run forwards, which was pretty unrealistic and with enough patience you could kill even very tough opponent.
Other than that, I'd like to see beautiful environment (like unique landscapes in oblivion) and I'd like something to extend gaming time for committed fans (like me). Something like collectible artiffacts (I mean some non-usable items, like in the mod Phitt's Artifacts) or something alike, so I could spend another 100 hours in skyrim :)
And (I suppose metioned many times) no level scaling. There should be areas, that you'd be able to enter (and not die immediately) let's say after reaching level 40 or so. It would be something, that would make you want to level up, to see what's to discover in these areas.

PS. Sorry for my bad english :)
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:09 am

Do you guys think Bethesda will be using the technology uses in TESVI? It looks phenomenal! It also looks incredibly expensive.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:32 pm

Cleaner integration of the main quest with faction/side quests.

What I mean is, put yourself in the shoes of someone with no exposure to strategy guides, spoilers, or even character-building advice—a pristine gamer.

In MW, you got clear-cut instructions from the time you woke up on the boat to your first conversation with Caius Cosades, at which point you were given a rough outline of the game world and encouraged to go explore it before jumping headlong into the MQ. From there, the pull of the factions' quest lines, the incentive of their skill requirements, the (non-scaled!) strength of hostile creatures and NPCs, and your advancement in the Blades paced you in such a way that even the n00best TES virgin, with a bit of pluck and perseverance, would hit the top rank in a guild or two around the same time he got into the meat of the Nerevarine/Hortator business. Quest lines major and minor managed to revolve around the PC and move at his pace without being immersion-breakingly obvious about it.

There were warts, the game-changing ramifications tied up in Sottilde's code book being the sneakiest and most annoying. By and large, though, it was a well-done world of contiguous experiences.

Not so in OB, where the Emperor died in front of your eyes during the tutorial, perma-sticking the gaudiest of Imperial baubles in your inventory to rope you into the MQ before he went. In exchange for dropping the thing off at Weynon Priory, you were rewarded with a series of "I won't rest easy until..." speeches from Jauffre and Martin that would rush you through hordes of stunted scamps all the way to the endgame if you didn't take a step back and wonder what else there was to do. Even then, it was hard to justify investigating a practical joke in the Mages Guild or collecting slaughterfish scales for some crusty old fisherman with Daedric portals popping up around every corner, turning the heavens blood-red and spitting demon spawn out onto Cyrodiil's grassy meadows.

"Another Oblivion Gate? Christ, that's the fifth one today! Can't be fussed with fighting through one of seven random maps to snuff it out, though. I'm only one recommendation away from getting access to the Altar of Spellmaking! Let's just run past it until the sky clears up. Out of sight, out of mind!"

That's the step back from the first-person experience that I don't want to take in Skyrim. Bethesda's done it right before, so I'll stay optimistic 'til 11-11-11.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:53 pm

a bunch of great ideas people! keep it up! sorry i cant get on much, im having a bit of a difficult time...i havent had time to think, but the devs need to know things, tell me what you want and dont want in Skyrim! thanx!
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Adam Baumgartner
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:50 am

Do you guys think Bethesda will be using the technology uses in TESVI? It looks phenomenal! It also looks incredibly expensive.

It's a pretty cool concept, but I'm not sure how I feel about the heads... they look a little big and wobbly. Maybe if they were implemented correctly.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:02 am

If its going to be in a mostly snowland game and its got a lot of nords and dragons... Can their be dwarves?! That will be soo cool and make the theme more atmospheric, and think about the dwarven armor from oblivion fitted onto them
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:08 pm

THIEVES GUILD, cant emph that enough.Survival/ hardcoe like from FONV, and good housing options(unlike in FONV)
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:46 am

1. Seasons changing gradually might be very cool, especially in a geographical area where you would really notice some spring growth against the thawing snow. No idea if this is possible of course.

2. Since this is a place where temperatures can get quite chilly, being able to see your breath would be cool. I know that is possible since it's in other games.

3. Having to wear reasonable clothes in low temperatures would be great. This has been done in past games and would add an element of planning to extensive outside travels and questing. Maybe you have to wear furs under or over your armor, cloaks, etc...

4. If this place is in extreme northern hemisphere then it might be cool to have a period of time when the sun doesn't quite set, and a period of time when it doesn't quite rise.

There have been so many of these suggestion threads I doubt there is anything new that can be imagined but who knows!
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matt white
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:35 pm

because this would be awesome, and some mod wouldent let me have a thread

1: for tilesets (the stuff that makes caves) they should all be greyscale. for each interior there could be a value that the engine uses to colour the tiles, this way there apears to be more tilesets without significantly increasing memory/time (but there still needs to be more tilesets than oblivion without this colouring idea)

2: like the tilesets, the common cloths should all be greyscale, the items in the construction kit should have values on how the item is coloured. again this would save memory and allow for more stuff to be made. infact anything that could use this greyscale thing should

3: fur on animals again needs to do this, but there should be some sort of ofset to randomise some colours in the fur that puts patterns in its fur.

4: HUMANS NEED SOME SORT OF OVERLAY SYSTEM (a texture that goes over their regular texture) this can achieve...
- facial features such as freckles, creases,warts etc
- environmental things such as soot,snow,mud,water and blood and so on that can splash/find its way on a face/body/hair
- TATTOOS, tattoos fitted with the lore,they looked cool, they added variety and personality to people, and they can show belonging in a group.
- body hair on humans, different fur paterns on khajits (tiger like, leopard like etc) and perhaps even muscle definition could be achieved
- visible damage- a large gash, a 3rd degree burn, an arrowhole etc
-visible diseases, someone could have large grey spots on their face to tell you to stay away from them.

(edit: without making new races of the same thing with an overlay attached )

5- material types should act differently, such as how do they change when they are wet, how snow should appear on it,how flamable are they, how dirty can it get etc. it would break immersion if the character walked out of a snowstorm without a bit of snow on them, or if they where under water and still had snow on them.

6- if races, even minor ones such as dremora, have low res textures then i will be sad

7 terrain textures should have wet/snow/dry versions, this should completely change the landscape (mountains could go from green to white if it hasnt snowed there recently)
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Kieren Thomson
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:54 am

If its going to be in a mostly snowland game and its got a lot of nords and dragons... Can their be dwarves?! That will be soo cool and make the theme more atmospheric, and think about the dwarven armor from oblivion fitted onto them

There are "dwarves" in Tamriel. Or rather, there were. Check out the page on at UESP for some detailed information regarding their culture. There is little or no reason to expect to see them in Skyrim however, which you will see if you check out the lore page in that link.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:02 pm

we had a portable campsite modded for Oblivion, and I would like to see something like it in vanilla Skyrim.
I think it would fit well.
Of course I am biased since I want a Ranger type to start with.
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Claudia Cook
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:38 am

More types of armor, please. Perhaps have armor types that only had weapons in Oblivion? Example- Silver Armor. Or have weapons that only had armor in Oblivion, such as Orcish, Leather, etc.

Also, I would like to see PCs physical appearances based on skills and such. For example, an agile PC may have only slight muscle, but run faster and be thinner, perhaps with toned legs. Or a heavy weapons/armor character should be very muscular and generally big in appearance. And please have bodies that have the same tone of skin as the face and neck of a character!
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:19 pm

I want all the different ways of exploiting magic to stay. Why couldn't a mage make himself permanently invisible?
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:25 pm

should this topic be stickied?
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:56 am

I want all the different ways of exploiting magic to stay. Why couldn't a mage make himself permanently invisible?

Exploits by nature should be removed if possible... However, I wouldn't mind if they made those sorts of powers accessible to the most experienced mages by default. Permanent Levitation or Invisibility should be possible for a very high-leveled mage, with enough Magicka and proper equipment.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:28 pm

Here's the first few I can think of atm.

1. Dual Wielding, complete with two button action. (see Unnecessary Violence for good examples)
2. 10 x better stealth game (thievery, assassins skills, sneak attacks, etc, etc). And yes, go all out like the Thief Series
-Tying in with this. Let's see some of the things I tried to accomplish in Stealth Wars: Some thieves and assassins actively hunting and sneaking up on you.
3. A good companion system (monstrous pets, friends, lovers, a nagging wife, all the above, etc.)
4. Flaming/glowing/particles for enchantments! If I've got a fire enchanted sword, I wanna see flames on it dang it!
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Laurenn Doylee
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:02 am


1. Better Character Models. More believable Body Structure, Facial Features, Posture, ect. Though one may said this does not need to be said. However after seeing Fallout: New Vegas where the models seemed to have worsen I feel it should be thrown out there.

2. More Factions, provided they fit well, and do not feel unnecessary.

3. More purpose in Quests, and perhaps requirements, such speaking to the NPC first. Always found it odd how freely people shared their problems, and secrets.

Player Character

1. Voice Acting for the Player's Character. I feel this would give more of a real feeling to the Player's Character(s). Thus adding more immersion to the connections between the Player's Character, and NPCs. Many Games have added such features, and I feel it has added to them. Foreseeable cons is that an implemented voice could throw Role Players off, by forcing a voice they do not want on their character. As well as the need to give the Player's Character a personalty as to avoid a bland feeling.

2. Deeper Cosmetic Customization. More Hair Styles, Facial Hair, Eye Colors, Tattoos, perhaps Scars even. More noticeable Jewelry, and more Jewelry in general.

3. More dynamic Animations, both in First Person View, and Third Person View. Possibility having some sort of Execution Move gained from the Mastery of a Skill.


1. Docile Creatures, example. Squirrels, Rabbits, or anything Lore related.

2. More variety in NPC Voices.

3. No more Telepathic Guards. Seriously.

4. Companions that can be gain by Hiring them, recruited through Quests, Factions, and or Disposition.

5. A wider variety of Personalities for NPCs, and Companions if they are implemented.

6. NPCs with possible Romantic Quest Lines. Nothing spotty like Fallout, classic, well written plots with some class. Nor anything like Fable where you dance, and shake their hand, and then they are ready to tie the knot.


1. Find a balances for the number of slots to fill a Class, and the number Skills to chose from. Morrowind has too many slots to fill in a Class/Build. While Oblivion did not have enough Skills to chose from. Thus hindering the ability to make Classes/Builds feel truly unique, and different.

2. Generalize the rate at which Skills level up-the experience gained from Skill use, and experience need to raise a Skill. This will eliminate the chances of a Skills over leveling a Player. Ex. Alchemy in Oblivion. As well avoid Skills that feel as though you need to power level them-spam them mindlessly to raise them. Ex. Restoration, Illusion in Oblivion.
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Kat Stewart
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:35 pm

Things I woul dpersonally like to be in the Game :

Engine Wise:

Dynamic Shadows
Soft Shading
Occlusion shadowing
Euphoria characters physics
Umbra occlusion geometry
Massive system of crowds people
Large cities complexes
Better improved AI mechanics
Mocap animations
All round 3d interactive environments to climb jump etc...
interynamic homes , so you can see throught windows what is happening outside and viceversa
dynamic lightning
subsurface scattering for skin textures and translucent objects
Better character customization options with decals , better morphing , facial animations with wrinkle maps etc...
Better water fluid dynamics and possibilities to use water as a tool or weapon , like breaking barrles of water , freezing water , give fire to oiils etc, make slippery surfaces for oil or ice ...

Game Wise:

Italian localization of dialogues ^^
different mounts and vehicles like carts and pack animals
Animals pets and slaves available
Better Companions hud
Better Figthing system
Better Stealth System
Better Magic system ( with physic interaction like on Dark Mesiah ) froze water , fire up a building or a prairie etc...
Huge world space at least 5 times bigger than Oblivion
Gore mature and dark atmosphere not teen oriented ( eventually with an option activate or not )
hardcoe mode ( Similar to Fallout NV But better implemented like really rest befoure recovering health , make a campfire , cook food etc)
Heavy cover necessities for frozen climates , ( cant run around naked or in skirt) But need to wear pelts and heavy garments over armours etc if is night or is snowing or anyway bad weather ...
Rain hitting covers and sliding on surfaces and clothes making character look wet
Thievery abilities to climb , use ropes , slide into tunnels run on narrow stuff etc...
Huge Open cities so that you coul deven fly above
Flight with mount and or with spell
Careers separation and more consistent differences among the classes chosen at beginning with more heavy bonuses and maluses and more specific for class only powers
Careers splitting between mage like , warrior like and thieves like classes
Different story paths to be followed according to the class choices
Possibility to end the game with one character and begin playing with another from the same game world changed by the first character making the first an NPC .
More class oriented quests available only to certain class choices
Severall fighting styles like dual wielding , lances , hammers , swords 2 h swors , mixed weapons , shields and tower shields , and exotic weapons styles .
Snow actually 3d with character sinking into it and leaving pathway behind , so severall deepness , going from light ( footprints only) to deep , almoust to chest to solid to frozen etc ...
Again Weather conditions conditioning really the way you need to dress and forcing eventually to take a shelter and prepare a campfire ( like if you have wilderness abilities you get adviced befoure when a storm is coming to get prepared for it )
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:08 am

Stick this please...
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Alkira rose Nankivell
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:37 am

I hope there are some brand new factions/guilds.
Also, when you have finished all the guild quests and become the leader, it should be handled diffrent then it was in Oblivion in my opinion. In Oblivion there was simply nothing more to do once ur done.

At least for the dark brotherhood they could create some random quests, like "kill x person in x way", 1 for each week or so. The targets could be random travellers that stays at inns etc.
There should also be some more benefits once ur done, more money and random weapons/armors/loot gathered by the members.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:23 pm

"It is said that whenever Kynareth deigns the wearer unworthy, the Lord's Mail will be taken away and hidden for the next chosen one."

-Lord's Mail, Tamrielic Lore

With artifacts such as that (which is most of them), I think your skill in that kind of item should be at least 80 for you to be able to keep it. So it won't be like anyone can have every single artifact (they could, but they would need almost every skill at 80+). Moreover, if it is a ring that gives you speechcraft and mercantile, you need those skills to be at 80+ to be able to wear it (because there is no ring skill).
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:24 am

Be able to name your horse.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:58 pm

Be able to name a weapon you have created or enchanted. More crafting. I don't see why you can't mine for ore for weapons or armour or skin an animal and use it's hide for armour.
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Da Missz
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:45 pm

You can name weapons you enchant.
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Alexander Horton
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 11:43 pm

I would like to see a slot for the back. Like my ranger needs a backpack, my barbarian carries his claymore across his back, my scout carries his bow across his back, and my knight carries his shield across his back. That's what I'd like to see.
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