nature effects-there should be sea water with waves that change depending on the weather/type
- rain should make nice noises on whatever it hits, and make splashes
- interiors should be affected by the outside
- water should refract light
- weather effects on materials (see 2)
- some special surfaces should change depending on what the weather was.if terrain texture 43 was grass it could have an alternate texture that is snow after it has snowed/ during winter.
charactersassuming faces are better, and we have beards,
we need a dynamicish overlay system. this is for...
--- facial features such as freckles, spots, creases etc
--- TATTOOS. when i played morrowind lots of races had them.they were cool (especialy the dremora ones). they help with the lore, they identify someone as in a group (clan,house, whatever) and they personalize characters
--- weather effects. snow in hair/fur, ash or dirt on face, wet skin, wet hair, muddiness etc
--- injuries- gashes, burns, better blood etc
--- body altering, for example a khajits pattern,body hair etc
--- visible diseases, facial warts ftw

voicessome races need more than one voice, in paticular the human ones (we can have a scottish nord, a celtic sounding nord, and a Scandinavian sounding nord)
there should be some sort of sound distorting thing for charecters than modifies the pitch,speed and contrast of all dialogue from a character
dumner to retain the bad ass voices from morrowind
we dont care for big names, just good voices
bodies seamless ones, we want them
morphing bodies= awsome
HIGH res textures
clothing underneath Armour (armoured skirts that could go over greaves would be awsome too
possibly pauldrons/seperate gloves
beasts should look more powerful, with muscular, bent legs
combatinterlock ALL COMBAT SKILLS (an example would be too set your sword on fire with magic, kick someone , decapitate him, and then throw the sword at someone)
genericanimations should change depending on the characters health,skill and the fear they are feeling.
some Armour should be more flammable, some should help the player be scarier, some should conduct well
character fear should be a HUGE THING. killing enemies stylishly should help you scare them. once the enemy has dropped to a state of helplessness they either try to run away, cry, crawl away or go berserk. grabbing them at these stages (except for berserk) allows the player to do whatever he wants to them.
mounted combat
flying combat
characters should have a locational damage thing. however there should be a hardcoe mode that allows the player to receive broken limbs
hand to hand (or feet)
make this skill USEFULL
allow disarming enemies, grabbing them, throwing them (in both brute strengh or crazy judo skills) tackling them. or something else cool
allow the unarmored skill to be used with a weapon. the above statement was kicking them, but what if you could lift someone in the air for a brutal execution?
kick should be very good against opponents using shields and light enemies
marksmanweapons used for mellee should have the ability to be thrown (not longswords, two handed weapons or maces,)
weapons designed for throwing and crossbows- most people want them back
magicspells should be able to be charged up for a more potent affect
-- casting may fail if an advanced spell is attempted without sufficient charging, and overcharging can backfire (these problems shouldent happen with a higher skill/difficulty ratio.
it would be pretty if magic would look different depending on the power ( weak fireball= a ping pong ball that is red, a strong fireball= cyan basketball)
it would be fantastic if elements were not about resistances, what i mean by this is...
--- fire has a chance of ignition depending on the surface, lights up dark places and could warm the player up
--- ice can make surfaces slippery, can cause opponents to stumble due to limbs becoming non responsive.
---electricity could conduct
players would like some more effects like....
on weapon (imbues weapon/fists this power for an amount of time
stream- a long continuous stream of magic
at point- similar to on target, but the effect should just happen were you are pointing (rather than a ball of energy traveling forward), good for stealth, good for fast moving objects- worse for mana/difficulty
weaponry (blade,blunt,spear,long blade etc)
SPEAR, one handed spear- seriously though- it was THE most commonly used military weapon of all time in real life, i dont see how it should be removed.
can be thrown (if a checkbox is set)
some may be dual wielded (the game is about crazy viking guys fighting dragons, dual wielding BELONGS)
weapons should be able to be used whilst blocking, but the block becomes weaker and the attack does too
short death animations (combined with ragdols) for hits that kill. this would make kills more satisfying, seeing someone do a star jump with your sword in their chest works wonders.
would be nice if you could use your shield as a battering ram
specifics... (not as important)
spears and longswords should allow the character into a defensive stance, any character stupid enough to charge on the sword/spear gets impaled

short swords could have a better block+ stab function
warhammers-knock things over even when they are blocked
claymore- good at keeping multiple enemies away with a wide sweep
enemies (the spider part might be impossible, but oh well)
animals that bite should try not toactualy not let go.
swiming/flying animals should try hit and running
skeletons should be able to loose every limb and try to continue to fight
Spiders should try to walk on walls
4: generic stuff
anything that was well liked in morrowind, should carry on here
better construction kit is needed/wanted. it would be nice for there to be x/y,xz, yz planes for creating stuff
a much less obvious level scaling system is needed
lore friendlyness (i found it cool that glass weapons were very light, and that daedric was uber rare
daedric armour does not neccesarily have to be fixed to one thing. there could be golden saint daedric armour or something
cloths should not change due to gender, a skirt does not turn into a pair of shorts!
more attention should be spent on common things, such as iron armour and people than rare artifacts that most wont ever see
there needs to be more tilesets for dungeons, oblivions was way too repetitive
-limestone cave
-rock cave
-other stone cave
snowy cave
iron mine
glass/ebony mine
daedric ruin
oblivion crisis ruin (small bases set up by daedra, now inhabited by whatever)
dwemer ruin
old prison/dungeon
nord tomb
the landmass should be scalled between twice and 6 times the scale of oblvion (preferable four, four would make cities of a decent size and mountains not look like hills)
m'aiq the liar should be ingame
land should be tesselated to save space
open cities
spells cut from morrowind to be re included (levitation for example)
the guilds should all conflict with each other, however if the player plays their cards right they should be able to lead then all
the player should have to work for greatness
the journal should actualy look like a journal, the icons on the map should look hand drawn
an actual pc ui would be nice
hardcoe modedrink,eat,sleep,good temperature (there should be a too hot weather for mods/ a revisit to oblivion)
cloths have a warmth value
player can get libs broken (not so much of a long term problem)
fatigue/mana have longer regens-
player must shelter from extreme weather.