Books that are useful (alone or as an entire collection) e.g. unique sources of rare quests, knowledge on how to defeat certain beasts, clues on how to find hidden artefacts etc. This will make books important to read ...and far more engaging!
Player homes that give a reason/benefit from visiting regularly e.g. advanced chemistry can only be done at home
Fully customisable staffs
Realistic carrying limits …but with the addition of a “pack horse” (this will also add value to finding low weight items like gems etc.)
Also, limited numbers of arrows in a quiver …but more realistic damage from each arrow!!!
Swords with magical enhancements should show the magical effects e.g. a flaming sword should show flames rather than just glow red
During combat a player cannot access their inventory ….or at least the game shouldn’t be paused when risking this action (additional weapons need to be fetched from the pack horse …or from home).
Greater role playing for Necromancy e.g. an initial ceremony has to be performed (perhaps inside a pentagram with candles etc) …where the magician would need to possess certain items before reading from a book/casting a spell e.g. bones from the specific creature, blood etc. Once performed, the creature can be summoned on request via a certain item.
Better (more traditional) Vampirism e.g. biting necks, sun does more damage etc.
Clothing/Armour that affects non-pc reactions more e.g. fear, praise etc.
Rare horses that give some form of benefit e.g. Evil horses that project an area fear and or drain spell …or a good horse that provides healing/bravery enhancements