this will help a ton of Skyrim Gamers a lot
Don't know if anyone noticed this but the fix for the Ancient Knowledge is reversed. Like many here I started a new character for 1.9Were before 1.9 if you got the Ancient Knowledge perk any armor you wore got the 25% boost even though the perk says it for Dwemer armor only.Well now it gives the bonus to any armor except Dwemer.I had Three types of armor in my inventory when I got Ancient Knowledge.Armor Cuirass Rating Before Rating AfterWolf Armor(exq) 78->98Iron 50->62Dwemer 66->66Bethesda I think you have your exclusions reversed
I get Wuuthrad and it's a quest item that ways 25 in weight. when I place it on the statue, it doesn't remove any weight from my inventory. So now I'm stuck with a permanent 25 weight that I can't get rid of.
They supposedly messed it up even more according to what I've been reading (even though I never understood what was wrong in the first place). I know beta testers on PC tried to bring this to their attention, however, Bethesda apparently ignored it and didn't bother to fix it while patch 1.9 was still in beta. Your explanation definitely proves that it was never fixed correctly.
Quest items never weigh anything, even though it says differently on the screen. This is a common misconception among players. I used to think the same thing until someone told me otherwise, so I can understand the confusion. It will only have a weight of 25 when you are carrying it after the associated quest is completed and/or it is no longer considered a quest item (i.e. it can be dropped). The developers should have programmed the game so that quest items display a weight of 0 until they are no longer quest items.
I did not know this, but just confirm what you said by dropping everything that wasn't a quest item and my displayed weight was 0. My bad, thanks for the info.
So all the black books from Dragonborn forever stuck in my inventory dont weight even when I cant drop them, and the quests are far from over?
That's really sad to me. But I can't say that I'm surprised it is their MO. They make great content in the games they make. I'm still in awe of Skyrim as I was with Oblivion. But it seems they leave things buggy then move onto the next project leaving in some cases game-breaking bugs. But what is worse in my opinion is to say in the list of fixes for the update that they fixed something only to make it worse and to know they made it worse to boot, and yet do nothing about it and hope a majority of players won't notice. (I hope M$ reads this next bit) I won't be buying the Next Gen Xbox. I prefer TES and I've dropped virtually all other games lines, but if Bathe$da continues with this MO. My only recourse for relatively bug free play is to go to the Mod community who seem to be able to fix the bugs that B$ is unable or unwilling to fix, and I can only do that on PC. So why waste my money on it.?.