I guess that's my suggestion. :whistling:
I don't see how this could work. Skooma is an addictive drug, to get a bunch of skooma addicted Kajihts together to form a guild would be very hard i'd imagine.
There were Dwemer built Ballistas in Morrowind. I don't feel the need for them but they could be an interesting addition if your required to siege a city.
Yes!!! I miss them
Yes on the werewolves but unsure how the "only silver weapons can hurt them" would effect balancing. Maybe just Silver does 3x damage or something like that?
Could be interesting but would have to fit in with the lore.
Yes!!! How else am I supposed to keep the horde of Vampires in my basemant contained??
Indifferent on this one. I feel like the development time could be better spent on other things.
Same as above. Cool but a lot of work for small gain in my opinion.
Don't see it as necessary but would love to see it implemented.
Mehh. Either or in my opinion.
They had this to an extent in Morrowind and would live to see it come back! I miss my pack rat
Would love to see this. Would really help those poor souls who buy Xbox/PS3 versions and don't have the construction set available.
Don't see the purpose of this. If someone can convince me other wise then I will happily reverse my stance.
YES! YES!! YES!!! Deformable terrain and interaction between spell->Terrain and Terrain_>Spells would add greatly to the diversity of combat and replayability of the game. Also tons of fun
Don't truly feel the need but would be a good and easy addition to the game. Diversity is our friend.
YES!! I miss my Spear f the Hunter
Don't really feel the need but would help immersion.
Would love to ride a Guar to battle!
If it fits into the lore I don't see why not.
As with mounted combat, im not opposed but feel like development time could be better spent.
Not really sure what you mean here... Like Mournhold?? Or simply islands like we have had in every other game?
Im a compulsive pack rat so this would be great.
Tons of mods do this so there is obviously a want for it. Would love to see it. Mannequins especially.
Mehh. Would be a fun addition but don't feel the need.
Hells Yes!!
Why not.
Yes, not a deal breaker but would be great.
Hells Yes!!! I wish Morrowind and Oblivion had this. Would love to see a Necromancy skill or tie it in with Conjuration.
Mehh, cool addition but would be hard to implement well.
Yes, enchanting in oblivion svcked. Back to Morrowinds system with some tweaking.
Mehh, would fit with the lore so why not. Im always a fan of more armour.
Yes, would be great.
Again with deformable terrain. This, in my opinion, would be one of the best things Bethesda could do for this game.
Not sure what you mean here.
Why not.
Only if it doesn't Up the ESRB rating. Bethesda needs to make money off this if we are to get a TES:VI.
Why not. Don't feel the need though.
Enchanting could use some help. But you would have to be more specific than that.
As always