Wow I can't believe I'm just now hearing about this. Hearing this kinda made me wanna put in Morrowind and simultaneously cry in the corner.
It just has the whole BioWare Old Republic instead of KOTOR 3 thing written all over it. Before anyone says anything, I'M NOT SAYING BETHESDA, OR BIOWARE FOR THAT MATTER ARE INDEED PUTTING OFF THEIR HIGHLY ANTICIPATED SEQUELS FOR AN MMO.
No. I'm not saying that at all. What I am saying, is that both companies are more than likely putting off said sequels (TESV and KOTOR 3) in order to do an MMO right now. Cash grab. This has cash grab written all over it. If it has a monthly subscription, I'm saying this right now, I WILL NOT be buying this game. I've never bought a monthly subscription game in my life. Waste of money IMHO. And just plain despicable by the Developer to charge 50$ for the game, and then monthly fee's just to play it. Especially if it becomes as popular as.... say WoW. You'd think Blizzard would perhaps have enough money to maybe NOT charge people to play. Or maybe not as much. Idk. I just now that I will not buy any game that has a fee to play per month. Never happened. Never will happen for me.
But, yes. I realize it's all speculation. More than likely, Bethesda and its "partners" or whatever are developing three games simultaneously. Fallout 4. TES V. And this MMO. That would be awesome if that is what is really going down. And then sometime this year, we get informed of TESV. Bethesda would indeed take over the gaming world! :chaos:
Personally, assuming the rumours are true btw, that this is Bethesda's attempt to "Cash in" actually I thinks its a logical progression if you think about it. I'll explain in a sec
Ok, I understand you not liking the whole subscription thing. I get it and I understand. TBH I have paid for some games and very shortly after felt like I had been violated in the most obscene way and wanted (and in some cases tried) to get my money back. Most MMO's are too ambitious and released way way too early, have not been tested nearly enough (normally 3-6 months of testing still needed) and are woefully under supported post release. HERE is where the greed comes into it. Its here where the fat cats at the top decide that they want more cash for this quarter or that or because we need our stock share process to go up or what ever bloody other reasons they can concoct for them selves and normally this is where MMO's fall down. Take Age of Conan, absolute disaster. I'm told its getting better now but still not enough content and way too many bugs. And there is a list as long as my arm of MMO's that came before and committed the same mistakes.
But the truth of the matter is that MMO games provide a few things that Single player games cannot. I'll mention the most important from my point of view
1) Live interactive worlds. Baring Elder Scrolls, I cannot think of any other single player game that feels like a fully polished world. One where I can run around and interact with my environment and not feel like things have been stretched or diluted to they can fill in more area.
2) Social aspect. Single player games simply do not have 1000's of people for you to interact and play with. Friends to meet, clans to join, people to hate. None of that is there in a Single player. And if they have a multi player side to them its almost always a very very distant last compared to your normal MMO.
3) Content. Levels of content are normally unsurpassed on MMO's. They tend to be huge and expanse with crazy amounts of things to do. And with the ability to add more content later.
4) Support. While a lot of MMO's are lacking in what we would want or expect they are still better than your average SP. Who releases a game, patches the worst of it and runs off to the next project.
Getting back to the "logical progression" thing I was on about.
Elder Scrolls games have always had an MMO feel to them. In my mind they have actually set the bar for most MMO's I have played (and most of the time failed to measure up miserably). Elder Scroll games have always been huge, vast games with solid mechanics and months of gaming. IMHO its the natural progression for them to either move into MMO's or at least dabble seeing as they have already been doing the work.
There are so many things that could go wrong and there is nothing we can really so bar put our 2 cent in and hope the Bethesda Management read the forums and take stock.
Btw, I see no reason why Bethesda could be working on Fallout 4 or TES 4 (or both, they have sold enough games to have the financial backing at this stage to make 2 at a time) while ZeniMax is working on the MMO
Fingers crossed we dont end up with the retarded love childs of the games we are actually hoping for

P.S: Thanks for the link Gstaff, I had not actually read that myself. Glad that there is confirmation that there will be a TESV, pity its going to be later rather than sooner

oh well, we cant have it all