Am I the only one who is actually offended by those who say that people who don't want multiplayer in The Elder Scrolls are antisocial? I mean, I love playing tabletop rpg, playing games like Mortal Kombat or Dinasty Warrior or Little Big Planet, going to bar or restaurant or watching a movie or even just hang out with my friends, that doesn't change the fact that I don't want Bethesda to commit man-hour on adding multiplayer to their single player games. When I play Skyrim or Oblivion, I like to take time to speak to the various npc, explore random things and read the book, all of wich I would not want to do when playing co-op with friends, since I'd feel like I'm wasting their time. Kinda like how nobody care about the lore in Diablo when they play online, and in a game where the lore is as important The Elder Scrolls, that's kind of a big downer.
Sure, they could add special multiplayer mode like Capture the Flag and Deathmatch or whatever, but really, what's would be the point? Other game series already do it, so people who like those thing already get game for them, and that's not even going into the fact that those among us who got the technical know-how can just mod these thing into existence. Now, co-op is more up my alley, but I still have problem with it, like the fact that most game are either built single-player with co-op thrown in wich result in awkward moment where the second character is not really there outside of fighting or the game is built around co-op where you get frequent reminder of how you should really play with a friend at best or get stuck with an AI partner that keep running into trap and ruining your stealthy assault plan at worst.
If they'd make it so the game actually recognise when you're alone and when you got your gang with you, that the story those not imply that you are the chosen one of whatever or make it in a way that more than one character can be "chosen" and that both(or whatever actual number of players there is) player actually play their character and not one main and the rest are companion, then yeah ok maybe. Doing it half-heartedly would be pointless, but doing it right would require taking away ressource from the single-player portion. Once again, I think a mod would be better, since it's a more tolerable for it to be awkward in execution, since well, it's fan-made.
In closing (I already written a short essay, should as well finish it as one

), while I agree that change is indeed needed for a game series to stay fresh (but not needed to stay popular, look at Legend of Zelda), change does not mean to do the same thing as every one else and at this point, I don't feel that multiplayer is innovative.
TL,DR version :
Officially adding multiplayer to the Elder Scrolls series will lessen the experience for me and like-minded people since its both remove ressources from the single-player development and require the game to be built around it to a point