Personally, I don't discriminate by genre. Just because something is an MMO doesn't mean that it has to be like WoW or that is has to svck. I'm cautiously optimistic about the supposed premise, though not at all confident that this rumor is true.
Well said. I am not a big fan of MMOs as they exist in the popular model (WoW

), but I have tried different ones from time to time: Everquest (the first few years of its run), LotRO, DDO, and Age of Conan. Although none really kept my interest for very long, and had to endure the occasional troll, I did have fun with other role players.
I have been a fan of the Elder Scrolls since before the current 'stigma' associated with MMOs was present. Do you think that all the TES fans I talked to back then (Arena, Daggerfall) were excited about the idea of a MMO set in Tamriel? You bet!
have become a bit jaded by my MMO experiences, but I would never jump on the band wagon of saying "NO!! An MMO for TES? It
RUINS it, PRECIOUS!" I would simply be "cautiously optimistic," as Lady Nerevar put it, and again, very skeptical about this news until there is better confirmation.