Okay, yeah I know it's crazy to assign dates and all that jazz, and YES I'll admit there doesn't seem to be much point, but rather than read a back and forth about "yes they will" and "no you crazy!" here are my accumulated known facts and assumptions in a tidy little package for TESV. I'm stickin' with that 6/2 date, mister! Haha

TESV: ((Skyrim))
3/20/2006 – TESIV released (potential start date for concept artist not used/completed on FO3)
10/10/2006 – Skyrim Trademark Application Date
10/28/2008 – Bethesda resources divided into “next big project” and FO3 DLC
10/14/2009 – The Infernal City Release Date set (Amazon.com retracts “200 years” statement)
11/24/2009 – The Infernal City Released
1/15/2010 – TESting Your Knowledge Trivia Begins (Prize: The Infernal City)
3/30/2010 – TESting Your Knowledge Trivia Ends (Prize: The Infernal City)
4/27/2010 – Bethesda Store Returns with TESIV DLC (Skyrim trademark is for clothing/booklets)
6/2/2010 - elderscrolls.com is updated with an announcement of TESV
6/7/2010 – Cover of GameInformer reveals first screens of TESV (July Edition)
6/14/2010 – Bethesda Online Store includes Official TESV merchandise clothing/booklets
6/15/2010 – E3 begins and Bethesda reveals game play footage of TESV
7/13/2010 - Second Elder Scrolls release date is revealed
7/31/2010 – Skyrim clothing/booklets Trademark Expires
8/12/2010 – QuakeCon (possible marketing platform for TESV)
11/23/2010 - Second Elder Scrolls novel is released and release date of 3/15/2011 for TESV is revealed
3/15/2011 – TESV Released
I'll start my checklist of right and wrong on 6/2 and we'll see if I get
any right