Note to those whom may be concerned about my previous post:
I confess to have commented on kidnapping Todd Howard, I apologise and to anyone who may have seen the post, kidnapping is a bad thing, people die...and get sad...from kidnapping, don't try it. :nope:
I sincerely apologize for my saying that, it was a bad thing, and this post is to tell people that my actions were wrong and you will have a guilty conscience after doing them.
Because of such I believe we have two viable options; send an imaginary goblin horde to raid the Beth office and get them to tell us about the game (didn't say anything about goblins

Or, ask Todd and Pete really saying please...and promising to love them forever...and give them ice-cream...with cherries and sprinkles...unless they are allergic...which is bad. :huh:
I say the second option has more potential for success :icecream: