Official TES VI Speculation Thread

Post » Tue May 14, 2013 4:46 am

Since the old one is going to be locked soon, I figured that I should make it right now. :tongue:

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Daniel Lozano
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Post » Tue May 14, 2013 6:55 am

Game: The Elder Scrolls VI: Hammerfell

Notable Places:
-Alik'r Desert (Home to many Refugee Camps)
-Dragonstar (Home of the Sacred Warriors Guild)
-Elinhir (Home of the Mystics)
-Hegathe (Home of the Assassin Brotherhood)
-Rihad (Home of the Empire)
-Sentinel (Home of the Alik'r)
-Stros M'Kai (Home of the Thieves Guild)

Description: After Skyrim has received their independence from the Imperial Empire, the Altmers of Summerset Isle invaded Hammerfell with massive ships, bombarding cities that are near the sea. The Queen of Hammerfell, Sherina the Unworthy, made a truce with the Empire if they helped them push the Thalmor out of Hammerfell, Sherina promised the Empire that Hammerfell will join the Legion once

After the Empire and the Alik'r manage to push out the Thalmor, Sharina did not keep to her word. Instead, she made all of her forces slaughter the Legionnaires that were stationed in Hammerfell, causing another Great War.

Under the current rule of Winston the Warrior, the Second Great War has impacted the province of Hammerfell, forcing many Redguard civilians flee from their homes and set up Refugee Camps within the Alik'r Desert.

Player's Start Point: Stros M'Kai
The player will start in a prison, with a room-mate of the last Dark Brotherhood assassin, "Kills-In-Shadows"; the player is sentenced to death along with his assassin friend. When execution comes, Kills-In-Shadows is executed by a brutish-orc headsman. When you approach the chopping block, someone in the crowd yells "For the Empire!" and pulls out a Imperial sword, attacking Alik'r Warriors, the executioner arena is filled with Legionnaire Militia. You get up and escape back into the prison. After escaping the prison, you will find yourself in the Stros M'Kai sewers. After you fight your way through, you escape the sewers and ask the choose a side: The Empire or The Alik'r. The main quest is surrounded by the Second Great War.

By paying a fee of 25 septims to Captain One-Eyed Jed on the Stros M'Kai docks, you can travel to any city on the coast of Hammerfell.

Notable Factions:
-Alik'r (Joinable) = The Leader is a male Redguard named King Winston the Warrior
-Assassin Brotherhood (Joinable) = The Leader is a male Khajiit named Qa'Doso
-Empire (Joinable) = The Leader is a female Imperial named Naspia Richton
-Mystics (Joinable) = The Leader is a male Redguard named Orinthal
-Sacred Warriors (Joinable) = The Leader is a female Nord named Val Oath-Giver
-Thieves Guild (Joinable) = The Leader is a male Argonian named Steals-From-Houses

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Greg Swan
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Post » Tue May 14, 2013 4:36 pm

Want Hammefell.

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Iain Lamb
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Post » Tue May 14, 2013 5:13 pm

That doenst make any sense.

Why is an Empire nutjob attacking? Why is Hammerfell at war with the Empire?

And im not even going to comment on your guild ideas :down:

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StunnaLiike FiiFii
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Post » Tue May 14, 2013 9:25 am

Many Imperials were invited into Hammerfell, without knowing that they were undercover militia, so that Winston could work out a deal with the Empire. In a matter of days, the militia go to the prison on Stros M'Kai and wait for a perfect time to execute everyone, which they failed to do (you are the only prisoner that manages to escape).

The Empire did not forget Sherina's broken promise and took revenge on Hammerfell at the prison, thus the Second Great War breaking out.

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Davorah Katz
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Post » Tue May 14, 2013 3:05 pm

I don't want Hammerfell. It sounds cool, and there are a lot of interesting magics that have been alluded to, but we've already had two mannish provinces in a row, it's time for something else. Plus, the largest threat to Tamriel at the moment, the Thalmor, are no longer in Hammerfell.

Plus, I don't see the Empire and Hammerfell going to war. Hammerfell is probably still sore with the Empire, but I don't see them going to war, especially with the Dominion still remains a threat.

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Cassie Boyle
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Post » Tue May 14, 2013 5:30 pm

Are we certain of that, though? Sure, the Aldmeri Dominion's armies have withdrawn. But do we know for certain that there aren't any Thalmor agents currently in Hammerfell? Kematu mentions that there is still a resistance alive and well back home, so I'm thinking that there is still a Thalmor threat present there. What would be the point of the resistance if there weren't?

This is, of course, assuming Kematu isn't a lying Thalmor dog.
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