Ya all the mods are asleep. I saw earlier that someone posted and said that it must be ESV being announced because the mods were letting us go. Haha, I guess some people dont understand that they have no special connections with Bethesda.
You're right, they don't have any special connections, although they are told when something big is about to happen, though that isn't what is happening right now. Right now they're just all offline and we got lucky.
I'm hard pressed to believe it could be anything other than TES V. Running through a list of fantasy games in my head, there aren't any candidates for this.
Consider this: This is a reveal, not an inside look or a preview. This is going to be something we haven't seen before. And it won't be at E3. That rules out a HUGE list of games. It can't be Final Fantasy because that would be in a Japanese magazine and would most certainly be at E3. Dragon Age 2 is a possibility, but I have a feeling that, too, would be shown at E3. There aren't really any companies that come to mind, sans Bethesda, that would skip an E3 announcement for a magazine announcement/reveal.
Personally, signs point to ESV, unless its some sort of MMO. Then I'll be pretty miffed.
Should we be expecting the reveal of this possibly TESV cover of GI on their site within a few days?
No. The July cover was reveal June 4th. That means the August cover (for the cover we're talking about) should be revealed somewhere during the first week of July.