Also, could the August GI maybe be Two Worlds 2? They did a 1 page preview in the July one.
Gah, we're coming up with so many other games that the August GI could be.
It better be TESV, but I'm not so sure anymore.

I don't care what you say, Two Worlds 2 is not a huge sequel that will make fantasy nuts "crap themselves".
I'm not so sure about Diablo III, because lately, they have been stepping up ads for Starcraft II. I don't exactly think they would advertise two big games at once, but I have no idea. BioWare advertised Mass Effect 2 and Dragon Age at the same time, so it's hard to predict that.
* Experience with The Elder Scrolls Construction Set or GECK
Cool. If only they didn't add GECK at the end, then that would be concrete proof that their current project is TESV, but pretty much everyone believes that by now.