Wow...just wow....I go for 2 or 3 weeks and I find the forum in complete chaos...who let the over-excited TES fans go wild :stare: so to clarify, this is what I missed while I was gone:
- E3 was a bust (no surprise there)
- Some guy on the UESP forums says that 'his friend' told him TES V was announced even though our 24-hour watchers and every sharp-eyed magazine picked up nothing [/sarcasm] (that is soooooooooooooooooooooo believable :glare:) [/sarcasm]
- The reign of the tight-lipped Beth continues
- The trademark has not expired yet
- The new consoles argument still has not died
- Speculators have not given up the ritualistic behaviour of over-examining everything (sorry, but after I read the shirt thing, I really had to say it, thank you for the ROFL, three cheers for our over-examination

- More threads by over-excited TES watchers have opened
- The next game informer may actually have some chance if being TES, as seen from that tweet posted
- With the trademark getting really close to its end, the chance of a TES V announcement has slightly improved, especially with the tweet
Did I miss something :shrug:
- On the bright side, it looks like people finally understand the difference between publishing and developing, on the down side, the 'stealing the spotlight from the published games' argument has not died