but they aren't going to try to do sub par art. I'm sure they want the best art possible, which would help publicity and excite people about the game. So I don't think you can say that the art wouldn't be as good when we've seen nothing from whatever game this is. Besides everyone has different taste in art so that portion of the tweet was mainly opinion.
I thought it was quite obvious that the assumption I made was that the concept art for TES V will have the same kind of clean and
practical style as Oblivion had. None of the Oblivion concept art pieces I've seen were particularly exciting, if you compare them to works like http://us.blizzard.com/diablo3/_images/artwork/ss76-hires.jpg, http://us.blizzard.com/diablo3/_images/artwork/ss59-hires.jpg, http://www.guildwars2.com/global/includes/images/concept-art/guildwars2-16.jpg or http://www.guildwars2.com/global/includes/images/concept-art/guildwars2-25.jpg - these artworks are much more flamboyant than the Oblivion concept art I've seen.
But of course, I can't know if the TES V concept art will be like the Oblivion art. However, all this is unnecessary, because:
"Art" applies as much to screenshots as it does to concepts.
Indeed it does, I was under the impression the tweet said "concept art" - damn my memory! Nevermind what I said, if it's TES V it won't be concept art in GI - it'll be screenshots. That's what I think, and that's what I hope. Sorry for disturbing you.