Interesting. If anyone can ever find a link to that, I'd be thankful. But yes, I don't see ESV using DirectX11. I also can see them using DX10, and I certainly hope they are.
Ill try to find it, but he said that its hard to convince people to "switch over", lots of work that needs to be done, and implied that they already have a heavy work load.
"I think its a matter of devs having incentive to push these new features. Unfortunately none of the current consoles are using dx11 so it wont be until next gen console wise that you will see a big influx of titles pushing the envelope with dx 11. Devs for the most part are going to stay focused on their bread and butter and that is consoles. Thats not to say there wont be some great stuff coming to pc really pushing the envelope, its just gonna be a little more rare."
"Not sure to be honest, Obsidian is working on that not us, and I havent really asked about New Vegas. I probably wouldnt count on it though. I am gonna push for it on future releases if possible, but its not easy getting people to try to many new things at one time with as much work as there is to be done as it is. Its really quite daunting all the things that need to be done, and while I cant say anything about our future games, I will say that we are always trying to bring something more and grander to the table with each title."
"Yes Bethesda Softworks is publishing New Vegas. But we are Bethesda Game Studios. We are all part of Zenimax Media but we are separate entities.
WE do try new things, but all Im saying is that we can only do so much within a given cycle. But we do try to fit in as much as we can. All Im saying is we cant alwways put in everything we want because everything is very time consuming, especially on games as huge and expansive as ours."
"Thats actually a very interesting idea. I couldnt say specifically what Bethesda is and is not going to be working on in the future unfortunately. If I remember correctly there is an MMORPG in the startrek universe and Ive heard a number of good things said about it though Im not very familiar with it myself. The thing I can say is that there is a huge lore behing our own IP's and many areas within that lore that have yet to be explored that I think would be very exciting for gamers to explore some day. You guys did however get a scifi game pretty much as vast as Oblivion in Fallout 3. There is quite alot of content to be had there even without the espansion packs. "