I found a *really* big moth outside. This must be a sign that the reveal of Elder Scrolls V is near.
Also, my pet Eastern Lubber grasshopper was on my desk. I gave her lettuce and told her "Eat", but she did nothing except wiggle her antennae. Then I said "If Elder Scrolls V is going to be announced, you will eat" and she ate. She was like "nom, nom nom nom, nom nom nom nom" on the lettuce and then the paper towel underneath the lettuce when the lettuce was all nom'd. This must be a sign that the reveal of Elder Scrolls V is near.
Then, I was contemplating a fart. I was contemplating if it were indeed a fart, or something far more sinister. Sure enough, it was not a fart. Andy McNamara said "Fantasy fans will crap themselves", and I am a fantasy fan. This must be a sign that the reveal of Elder Scrolls V is near although to be fair I had the runs all day so it was indeed my fault for not getting on the pot in time but then again I had an imodium and those things are supposed to work right?
In all seriousness we can post about this all we want, but until the cover is revealed when GI decides to reveal it, which could be tomorrow or next Friday or sometime in between now and a little bit later on, we might as well be posting about banana peals and fartburgers, or grasshoppers and moths. Or trademark law and Twitter.
I think, if the cover is not Elder Scrolls V, it will be nothing special and Andy McNamara likely posted a twitter to throw us off. No idea why, but some people do indeed find it funny to watch people be like, "Wait for it... wait for it... wait for it... awwwwwwwwwwwww

" - I think the source of the rumor about TESV being at E3 was likely from someone who thought that aforementioned funny thing was funny. They probably laughed at the funny thing, because to them it was funny.
However it is likely that Andy McNamara is a professional and not a troll since he works for a reputable magazine and our speculation about TESV would indeed be correct.
It certainly is not Star Wars or Star Trek or Star Fox or Star Dog or Mass Effect 4 or Doom 6 or Duke Nukem ForNever or something like that. Geeze, certainly got to assume that the guy knows the difference between one form of speculative fiction and the other completely different form of speculative fiction. Fantasy = Dragons, magic, wizards with long beards, dragons again, elves with pointy ears, other things with pointy ears, really strange critters with pointy ears, and magic. Science Fiction = Space, Space, Space, Technology, Space, More Technology, Space, Commentary on the human condition and the future of mankind, Space, Space, Space and more Space.