I would say you get more attention if you are the only player on the field at the time. TESV announcement will probably make the cover of every gaming mag regardless but if you want significant pages inside you need to hit during a slow news day/month.
Beth seems to prefer the 'big splash-big buzz' approach with notable visible progress. I don't have a problem with that as long as they don't show one thing then deliver something else. The tech should be proven and the artwork representative otherwise I don't see the point in the long silence.
Yes, and do you think id would be happy if both Doom 4 and TES V were unveiled at QuakeCon,
id's convention, and the magazines were all gushing about TES V?
As I said it's not wise to compete against yourself, it makes more sense to stagger big announcements like this so both games get their moment in the sun.
I know you may be joking, but posts like these really tick me off, especially if a person is still arguing against another TES game being in the works. The latest trademark applications on SKYRIM undeniably prove otherwise. There is a game in the works that is TES related, whether it is TES V or TES MMO.
In regards to Zenimax online, are they now covering other online games under their department? Like Quake?
Interesting job post: http://zenimaxonline.com/jobs_csr_quake.html
Other titles to now consider for Zenimax's Online Studios MMO could now include any id Software title, like QUAKE. I realize that Zenimax Online was started in 2007, and id Software wasn't accquired until 2009, but you never know.
Reason I mentioned this quake stuff is that if this is true, this could lessen the chance the MMO they are working on is TES related :sleep2:
I think it's pretty likely that ZOS is working on an Elder Scrolls MMO. The MMO market has a ton of competition and it's extremely difficult to break in to - having a well known setting would help quite a bit.
The Quake stuff is interesting. I don't imagine ZOS is working on a multiplayer Quake game but it could be that they were well set up to watch over Quake Live :shrug:
Until this Game Informer thing is either confirmed or denied, I kind of wish the mods would add the relevant info about when it's revealed/shipped to the OP

If we put the Game Informer information in the first post people will probably assume they need to pay attention to it - and at the moment we have no reason to do that (and knowing nothing plenty of reasons not to legitimize this). In all honesty I think Dragon Age 2 is more likely then TES V.
Hey everyone, Amanda here. I'm a big twitter user (http://twitter.com/caffeinated_mom!) and also a big elderscrolls fan and i heard about the game informer rumours so i decided to snoop around twitter and see what i could dig up.http://twitter.com/elderscrolls5 with a pretty legitimate URL. The image appears to be a roman numeral of the number five and the background is covered in what looks like frost or snow. Did i find it?! Did i find the elderscrolls V??!?!! :shocking:
It looks like everyone has passed this but I thought I'd point out that the V in there is the same one used in some TES
IV artwork, it's just had the I deleted and been recolored. I imagine Bethesda would put the effort in to making a knew icon

:key dates that some folk thought were christmas 2009 and E3, could it be 3rd time lucky?? :bowdown:
Anyone who has suspected E3 hasn't been paying attention to Bethesda's E3 visits for the past ~ten years.
If I remember correctly wayyy back an interview with Todd Howard, he said half the team is working on Fallout 3 and the other half is working on future Elder Scrolls games. That was like 4 years ago.
The Devs may have said that they aren't done with the Elder Scrolls but they've never said that they're working on a new one. One can make a good argument for their next game being an Elder Scrolls title, and a good argument for their next game specifically being TES V (opposed to a spin-off), but these are still educated guesses and speculation, there isn't a shred of solid evidence.