I agree that it does add to the GI cover theory, but maybe, and I mean maaaaaaaybeeeeeeee, do you think he got tired of us going "He's fooling us." when he tried to correct us?
So hes gotten tired of doing his job?

I highly doubt that. If someone cannot confirm or deny something, it usually means that somethings going on with it, they're simply not at liberty to say. If something totally unrelated to their confidentiality like the front page issue of a magazine which is speculated to be about their game, they'd either give either give us the confirm/deny speech or they'd simply tell us the straight answer (no) since it won't effect their confidential pact because it has nothing to do with what they're doing.
So far we've got neither, which is basically a mute's version of the confirm/deny speech. But Bethesda are not fools. Why come in here and confirm/deny anything, if we will then know that the cover of Game Informer is TES V?
...and thats my two cents.