Well, moderators are supposed to know beforehand that a major announcement is coming, so they can prepare for it on the forums, and so far Hungry Donner doesn't think an announcement is imminent. So, I don't think they've informed moderators yet if an announcement is coming sometime soon.

Or maybe I'm just trying to throw you off the scent.

If mods get that kind of preferential treatment, how do you apply to become a mod? I'd police some forum flamewars to get in on that announcement action!
Mods get advance notice of major
forum changes. The software upgrade the forums got a few months ago? We learned about that nine months in advance. Making this a forum for BSW published titles in addition to BGS developed titles? We had a few months advance notice. Opening the Fallout 3 section here instead of keeping Fallout and TES separate? That was at least six months advance notice.
The Oblivion announcement? We got 24 hours notice, at which point we were already on day seven of an eight day count down and the "Upcoming TES Game" forum I mentioned in the last thread had been up for over a month. Announcing a new game like TES IV (or TES V) doesn't require advanced
planning on our part so we don't need much advance notice.
So when I say I don't think there's an imminent announcement chances are I'm not basing this on any moderator exclusive information.