Official TES V Speculation Thread # 49

Post » Thu Apr 21, 2011 11:44 am

Heres one thing I know for sure. They added me after I tweeted about the gameinformer cover..

....I smell some hope.

I love you.
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Post » Thu Apr 21, 2011 10:41 am


So after I took a little walk, I came back and sat down and checked out my Twitter feed. As you know, we had a mix up yesterday when someone thought they discovered TES V on twitter but to only find that it was one of my URLs.

Well it seems i have fooled another person. :lol:

For online proof and click followers.

I wonder why they're following me? Do they believe Bethesda has set up a twitter account because the announcement is soon to come in their magazine? Do they think im some sort of speculator? Are they trying to torture me?

Heres one thing I know for sure. They added me after I tweeted about the gameinformer cover..

....I smell some hope.

Thats wierd
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Nick Tyler
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Post » Thu Apr 21, 2011 8:02 am

Do you think maybe GameInformer could just be playing around? Maybe they know that it's not a REAL ESV twitter page? Does GameInformer follow any other non-legitimate twitter accounts?

I can only imagine the hilarity when GI finally figures out that Mikedzines page isn't legitimate. I imagine it goes something like this:
GI: "So Todd, we're following your new twitter account for The Elder Scrolls V! Nice background image you have there."

Todd Howard: "What twitter account?"

GI: "Uh. Oh crap." *Quickly removes from 'following' list*
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Tyrone Haywood
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Post » Thu Apr 21, 2011 3:16 am

Does anyone know if Jeremy Soule is or has been working on a soundtrack for any new games due out this or next year?? I saw a bulletin on Myspace at the start of the year. he mentioned "Im working on a soundtrack for an amazing game" the only reason I remember is that I posted this a while ago.
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Katie Louise Ingram
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Post » Thu Apr 21, 2011 4:11 am

I love you.

I don't think it really means that much. I mean, they could have just added it for the hell of it.
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Alister Scott
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Post » Thu Apr 21, 2011 10:17 am


This is interesting. Do any other official-ish people follow that account? I don't have Twitter, so I can't see your followers.
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Dragonz Dancer
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Post » Thu Apr 21, 2011 12:44 pm

I don't think it really means that much. I mean, they could have just added it for the hell of it.

But if it wasn't the GI cover, they would know it was a fake account. And if they knew it was a fake account, why would they follow him?
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Kim Bradley
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Post » Thu Apr 21, 2011 11:02 am


So after I took a little walk, I came back and sat down and checked out my Twitter feed. As you know, we had a mix up yesterday when someone thought they discovered TES V on twitter but to only find that it was one of my URLs.

Well it seems i have fooled another person. :lol:

For online proof and click followers.

I wonder why they're following me? Do they believe Bethesda has set up a twitter account because the announcement is soon to come in their magazine? Do they think im some sort of speculator? Are they trying to torture me?

Heres one thing I know for sure. They added me after I tweeted about the gameinformer cover..

....I smell some hope.

Interesting, or they could just be doing it ironically.

Either way, this still raises the probability of TES: V being on their cover.
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Ricky Meehan
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Post » Thu Apr 21, 2011 12:47 pm

Here is an email i got from Jeff Akervik. Since english is not my native languange, i don`t really know what he ment. Is it just a game (lol) or other game than TESV?

"Re: Just a question
Tirsdag 6. juli 2010 16.50
"Jeff Akervik"

It’s another game.


Hi Jeff.

As you probably are well aware of, is that there is a buzz on the internet about your next cover on your magazine. Especially in the forum at people are arguing if that buzz is The Elder Scrolls 5.
Could you please give us a hint of which game is it? Please!
Is it TES V? Or is it other game?

Best regards
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Emily abigail Villarreal
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Post » Thu Apr 21, 2011 1:08 am

I don't think it really means that much. I mean, they could have just added it for the hell of it.

Yes, but how often do professional companies do things "just for the hell of it"? Randomness and doing things for the lulz aren't exactly desired qualities in any company, really.
Not saying that it directly indicates anything at all, but usually PR people do press-related things for solid reasons. Its all very controlled and calculated-like.


Well that's interesting.
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Post » Thu Apr 21, 2011 12:22 am

Does anyone know if Jeremy Soule is or has been working on a soundtrack for any new games due out this or next year?? I saw a bulletin on Myspace at the start of the year. he mentioned "Im working on a soundtrack for an amazing game" the only reason I remember is that I posted this a while ago.

He did the Neverwinter Nights soundtrack too. And Baldur's Gate, I think. He gets around, so there's little point in tracking him.
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Mélida Brunet
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Post » Thu Apr 21, 2011 10:02 am

Oh god that is great.

It is very interesting. This is all entertaining, and confusing.

I love you.

Thats wierd

Folks, everyone of those posts are chat. It's showing us you just don't get it. One word, two word and three word posts are almost always not very important information. It's why if you take a look in the Lurker's lair you will see a rule about one liners. And this thread must be treated the same as we do the lurker's lair. If you don't have something to really add, just read and wait to post until you have more than one small response to add or it looks like chit chat.

If in the next hour someone posts just to give those one liners and such, I am betting one of us grumpy moderators will either warn you or close this down for 24 hours. ;) Just giving you a heads up.
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Post » Thu Apr 21, 2011 4:28 am

I think it best that we withhold any further discussion until we see the cover of GI. Everything else is uninformed and jumping the gun.

Although GI adding you on twitter is pretty funny. I wonder whether they know its fake? Also, we have to remember that these accounts are probably run by one guy or a small group of people that use it. It could have been just a passing fancy and not some serious interest.
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Post » Thu Apr 21, 2011 4:33 pm

Can we get someone else to email GameInformer and ask them if the cover is ESV, or another game? Just to confirm it? I don't feel like I can trust a single person who just joined the forum.

Not saying that I think that person is 100% lying, I think we need more than one person, especially one who's been around here long enough.
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Michael Russ
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Post » Thu Apr 21, 2011 4:08 am

Look, I'm as desperate to see tes5 as the next guy, but this over reacting to tweets is getting a little silly. I just don't see anything Bioware would be working on right now as "pants crapping" material. If it does turn out to be something mediocre like a DAO expansion after that statement, that guy should be kicked in the shins.
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Post » Thu Apr 21, 2011 4:45 pm

Can we get someone else to email GameInformer and ask them if the cover is ESV, or another game? Just to confirm it? I don't feel like I can trust a single person who just joined the forum.

I have a feeling that wouldn't work. You'd likely get the line "You'll know when everyone else knows. Which is when we release the cover."

And personally, I think we ought to just wait for it. Its all the sweeter when your waiting was worth it. All things in good time.

As for trusting people, I don't understand what you mean. When the cover is posted on the internet, we'll know if its real or not.

Look, I'm as desperate to see tes5 as the next guy, but this over reacting to tweets is getting a little silly. I just don't see anything Bioware would be working on right now as "pants crapping" material. If it does turn out to be something mediocre like a DAO expansion after that statement, that guy should be kicked in the shins.

And not to mention everyone has a different definition of "pants crapping" material. The person who posted that on twitter probably was posting is such a casual context it was just hyperbole. It very well may not even be a contemporary definition of fantasy!

Reading too far into things doesn't help anybody because we start working off of deep DEEP assumptions.
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Victoria Bartel
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Post » Thu Apr 21, 2011 12:07 pm

My apologies.

But what about my two trademark argument? Do you think it gives hope to an announcement soon? They have done the two-trademark thing right before they announced Oblivion and Fallout 3. I feel it is a valid reason to look for a TES V announcement in the upcoming months.
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Post » Thu Apr 21, 2011 6:29 am

If GI customer service says its not TES V, then its not TES V. Its time to give this one up guys/girls. We can hope for Quakecon
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Post » Thu Apr 21, 2011 7:34 am

Not saying that I think that person is 100% lying, I think we need more than one person, especially one who's been around here long enough.

One of members who will remain anonymous was actually supposed to phone Pete Hines today and ask if Bethesda has anything to do with August's cover. Pete has nothing to lose by telling him they dont.

I assure you, this person is a reputable member of our community and they have already pulled through once. :)

I find it rather strange that Gstaff nor Nick have stepped in to stop all this madness. They are community managers, after all.

I sent a message to Game informer via twitter as well..i'll give you guys the update if they say anything useful.

Lets also not forget that little secret indicator, i've been boasting about... :P
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Natasha Callaghan
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Post » Thu Apr 21, 2011 2:45 pm

If GI customer service says its not TES V, then its not TES V. Its time to give this one up guys/girls. We can hope for Quakecon

When did that happen?
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Kaley X
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Post » Thu Apr 21, 2011 2:40 am

Look, I'm as desperate to see tes5 as the next guy, but this over reacting to tweets is getting a little silly. I just don't see anything Bioware would be working on right now as "pants crapping" material. If it does turn out to be something mediocre like a DAO expansion after that statement, that guy should be kicked in the shins.

Anyone that pays attention to the BioWare developers should know that they get VERY involved in any event, big or small. Unlike the guys at Bethesda, any topic you find on their forums have developers actively posting in it.

With that said, it could be anything. It could be a new Bazaar, new shirts, a new DLC (Dog's Song would have kicked Leliana's Song's ass), etc. They're not as good with building up hype as Bethesda is.
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Sheila Esmailka
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Post » Thu Apr 21, 2011 4:04 am

If GI customer service says its not TES V, then its not TES V. Its time to give this one up guys/girls. We can hope for Quakecon

I'm really not keen on trusting an email from a guy who just joined today. Even if it is a real email, I highly doubt the representative can divulge information like that. Until the cover is released, everything is up in the air.

Also, lets not call/email/other wise contact people guys. It rude and creepy, and they aren't legally allowed to give us any information.
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Post » Thu Apr 21, 2011 10:09 am

If GI customer service says its not TES V, then its not TES V. Its time to give this one up guys/girls. We can hope for Quakecon

The question is, would they? Personally, I would have expected a "Wait and see/We cannot reveal that info at this time" answer from such a question. No offense intended in the slightest to the person that posted it, but that's a rather large pill to swallow at the moment from one random internet user. And as Orzorn said, we just aren't going to know for sure until tomorrow. All will be known soon enough.
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Post » Thu Apr 21, 2011 3:39 am

Can we get someone else to email GameInformer and ask them if the cover is ESV, or another game? Just to confirm it? I don't feel like I can trust a single person who just joined the forum.

Not saying that I think that person is 100% lying, I think we need more than one person, especially one who's been around here long enough.

I can give you a prtScr if you want to have evidence? I am not lying
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Sarah MacLeod
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Post » Thu Apr 21, 2011 9:07 am

My apologies.

But what about my two trademark argument? Do you think it gives hope to an announcement soon, they have done the two-trademark thing right before they announce Oblivion and Fallout 3. I feel it is a valid reason to look for a TES V announcement in the upcoming months.

Well of course. Bethesda wouldn't spend money randomly keeping a trademark they weren't going to use alive for the ENTIRE allowed length, and then INTRODUCING ANOTHER ONE. It would be completely foolish to not think they were up to something.

If GI customer service says its not TES V, then its not TES V. Its time to give this one up guys/girls. We can hope for Quakecon

I'm not quite as apt to believe customer service. They may not even be filled in on what the cover is, in fact, they may be told to not tell anyone any details just so it will be a surprise for everyone. If they were known for telling people what the cover was, then do you realize how many calls they would get every month by folks wanting to know what the cover is? It'd be a nightmare.
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