Your fellow rebel

Although you were right on the Dragon Age II thing, so I have no right to tell you your wrong
Oy... he wasn't "right" about DAII. Nearly every regular poster in these threads thought it was TES V or DAII or something else. Showstopper suggested dozens of different franchises and agreed with nearly every other series someone suggested, even Starfox, as long as it wasn't TES V. Saying he was right is like saying someone who placed a bet on every horse in a race was right when the horse he bet on won. Point is, you have every right to tell him he's wrong.
Not flaming, just making a point about our resident "realist."
Main target is pc and xbox? Source please. I want a source. Ps3 is just important get real.
The source is very easy to find; simply look at Bethesda's history. Morrowind came out on PC and Xbox only. Oblivion came out on PC and Xbox first, and the PS3 second. The DLC for Oblivion came out on the PS3 only after coming out on the PC and Xbox 360 earlier. Fallout 3 came out at the same time on all 3 platforms, however every single DLC came out on the PS3
only after it came out on the Xbox and PC, and the DLC and GOTY edition turned out to be buggy as hell. The PS3 is just as important as the Xbox 360 and PC in the real world, however, in terms of Bethesda and their games, it is NOT as important. To say that Bethesda views the PS3 to be as important as the other two platforms is only possible if you completely ignore Bethesda's history.