And could someone explain to me how engines work in greater detail?
the engines are like a set of functions that make many many things easier. For example, FunctionCircle(radius), will render a circle with the radius you specify. That was much easier and less time consuming that having to write the formula for a circle which I dont even know then having to write direct x code to render that circle. Programmers work on the engine/game itself.
Artists the game art and textures. Modelers for the models in game, sounds are for the sound people, voice acting the voice actors, and managers to manage al lthe people so the games progress is synced up. Not everything is done by everyone lol.
Oh so its not OT, so techincally they've been working on TES:V supposably for onyl 2 years. AKA is it POSSIBLE its only been in works for 2 years? So we can assume in another 2 we will get an announcement?