I don't remember Oblivion having any significant stability issues.
As for the silence after GOTY releases in the past, I don't see anything useful that can be derived from it. First, there really doesn't seem to be much of a consistent pattern, which leaves us with little reasonable expectation. Finally, GOTY editions have got to be the easiest releases for a dev team. It shouldn't require much in the way of manpower. The bulk of the work has already been done. Really all that's required is compiling together all the latest updates and content into a single build. If anything, most of the work involved in a GOTY release falls on the publisher's shoulders and not BGS. GOTY editions have always been, in my mind, just a milking of the market.
The only point I am trying to make is that people are severely frustrated with the "silent treatment", and yet it is BGS policy to be silent. I wanted to express that the longest period of time that BGS had remained silent was 16 months. Since we've a long way to go before we hit that mark, I'd say that this period of silence is not unusually, abnormally, or absurdly long and by BGS standards, quite reasonable. It's quite early to expect any word
right now if the past droughts are any indication.
It has nothing to do with what the devs are doing (my statement that is, as obviously the length of the drought depends on the completeness of the game). No special wisdom is sought or derived nor any future date established, but I can find some comfort in the fact that it really is only a short while since the drought has begun, whilst compared to the longest that they've had.