I know i usually say that finding patterns in Bethesda's past is futile... and for the most part, it is... but I just realized something. http://i25.tinypic.com/5c0jtg.jpg Since Morrowind was announced, not once has Bethesda done anything major on any months except those highlighted. No announcement of a game, no release of a game, and no release of an expansion, happened on a month other than those highlighted. Hell, all of the Skyrim trademarks were filed on those months, but I just decided not to add them to the list. I really doubt that's all a coincidence. My theory is that May, June and July are because of E3 and the hype surrounding that time. September, October and November are because of the holiday season. And March, well, I have no idea. It's the end of the 2nd quarter of the fiscal year in the U.S. but I doubt that's the reason. Maybe they just like March? I don't know.
Point is, I'm thinking that if Bethesda hasn't diverged from this pattern for 10 years, they wont start doing it any time soon. So while we still can't accurately predict when it will be announced, we can use this to control our hype. Based on this, we shouldn't expect anything to happen in August. If they don't announce it by the end of July we might as well forget about it until September. And if, come November, if nothing has been announced, we should forget about it until March. As so on and so forth.
What do you guys think? I know I'm grasping at straws here but this seems to make for a solid pattern.
A season pattern could be logic. From a sales prospective in relation to the holidays etc and it is also reasonable to do so from a fiscal/accounting p.o.v. :grad: