Ah... but is has been us that makes the noise, so the quiet only means we have nothing further to discuss except apparently the fact that we have nothing to say, which is only a step below speculating about what we will soon speculate about which has already happened... if we keep this up we might accidentally discover time travel, and just our luck we'll be transported 4 1/2 years ago to the release of Oblivion and thus forced to relive the agony of waiting...
Why do we have to time-travel backwards? :blink: I say we time-travel to the future and find out the rants and problems people have with TES: V, we record the notes and give them to Beth in exchange for an early release of the game, ITS BRILLIANT :clap:
Now all we have to do is find out how to excel our discussions beyond the speed of light so that time will slow down and eventually the time barrier will break, allowing us to freely travel to the future by the use of our rapid discussions and debates...trolls usually cause an acceleration of debate...any volunteers? :poke: