I already have a great gaming rig, if and when I upgrade to Windows 7 I'll be getting a new hard drive for it so that will just add to the expense. I wanted to wait for Windows 8 that is supposed to be out in 2012 but I don't think I can wait that long.
Anyway, if we don't stop talking about graphics and operating systems soon I'm going to freaking bang my head against a wall out of annoyance. Why the hell are we talking about this in the TES V Speculation thread? Just because it technically qualifies as speculation doesn't mean we should talk about it. At this rate I wont be surprised if the next discussion we get into is whether or not they'll bring back the realistic horse asses they had in Oblivion.
Why are we talking about it in the speculation thread? Easy, no one is willing to admit that this thread holds no value any more. After the recent interviews, Todd stated they have plans to announce their secret project. We have already talked about the variables impacting that announcement. Now we have nothing left to talk about. There isn't a reasonable person out there who actually believes this secret project isn't TESV. We talked about the second book and its marketing role and all of the other Softworks issues/acquisitions/dilemmas. The vast majority of the speculation peeps have really been calmed (thankfully so) by Todd actually talking about the fact that there is an announcement coming. I personally think that is in some small way relevant to the anxiety we feel here in this thread and that just maybe, just maybe, the reason they talk about having plans to announce what they are working on (which is a real 'duh' statement to be honest, because really folks of course they have plans regarding their announcement) is simply to placate US. Not you and I, but US in the "fans with feelings". How many times have we seen eager people post a "Where is TESV?" topic only to see it locked? At least once a week. It was out of either pity or mercy based upon your perspective that Bethesda decided to say anything at all, and you know what? To all of those people who claim that BGS doesn't care about their fans, I would say they are more than keenly aware of their fans. They watch what we do enough to see the chaos caused by false hope. I really don't think it was coincidence that their team decided to start talking about their secret project after this forum actually became locked for several days over a silly little thing like the cover of a magazine. People said some horrible things here. Posts were deleted at one point before that because kidnapping was brought up!! At the end of the day, this is a video game folks. I am here because I love the games, yes, but I am a geek too and I absolutely love data and forecasting and speculation and all of the research and things, so I am here because I find speculation FUN. I am honestly relieved that we are at the point where it is calm and there isn't much to talk about, not because I am tired of speculation, but because we have been given an announcement in my book. I will tell you right now that I know for sure that BGS has TESV at a point where the project manager is comfortable showing it to the public, and that even though the date isn't set in stone, there will be a short time (comparatively) between announcement and release. It will be called Skyrim and it will be on current gen consoles. It won't have Direct X 10. There are things we can guess at like "werewolves" and such, but I don't need facts to know these things, because I am not a moron. I can debate semantics for the sheer joy of it until the cows come home, and you may read this and say that my certainty is certainly unfounded, but I find that the findings found have funded my certainty certainly.