Why is everyone so obsessed with werewolves all of the sudden?? Jesus. Still pisses me off that 2 questions were wasted on werewolves, that didn't even mean anything. They were joke questions. Such a waste of an opportunity.
Well sorry.
This isn't all of the sudden. We have been talking werewolves a while.
I saw in the taboo question topics: Werewolves. And I had to ask "why?"
Anyways the question on 3D software wasn't bad, but most of us already knew that every game dev company uses 3dsmax.
I DO NOT, I repeat DO NOT mean to be arrogant and proud when I say my question was the only question answered that was good. I wasn't even the only one who asked. Even then, the answer wasn't that great, it was good that they said that it was their job to read the forums and answer question, and that the DEVs read suggestions as well.
Also they posted that they will do something to try and answer everyones questions, it mayhap be another podcast.