I'm inclined to believe Amanda, it's a stretch but her post is pretty well thought out, secondly she does add a certain weight by bringing her husband into to the mix.
That's right! We must have faith that she is telling the truth! I am excited :foodndrink:
These threads are better than TV. I'm going to believe "Amanda", simply because it makes me excited

Hopefully I won't be disappointed later..
Guys, did you not see my post? I debunked this almost immediately after the story was posted.
The real Amanda has been in Ottawa since Monday. And before that, she was in Toronto. There is no mention of a cookbook, a trip to Las Vegas, or a chance meeting with Bethesda employees.
The Amanda on this board is not a real person. It's a person who's trying to maliciously amp up hype and have us all on.
Well... Amanda's twitter says she was in Cornwall yesterday, wherever that is. She said in her post that last night she got that information in Las Vegas... I've searched and there's no Cornwall around Las Vegas, but there is one in mid-California I believe. I also searched her twitter, and there is no mention of Las Vegas anywhere... I think she's bluffing.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cornwall,_Ontario is a town in Ontario near Ottawa.
She's there for a wedding.
Now, can we please stop cyber-stalking this poor woman? She's not involved with this at all.
I cannot verify any of the Twitter evidence, but it does seem suspicious that one would not indicate on her account what ought to have been a pretty exciting time (she was promoting her new cookbook after all). That puts a little snag in the story's credibility.
That's not just a snag, that's a gaping hole.
There's no mention of Las Vegas or a cookbook because she wasn't in Las Vegas and there is no cookbook.