Anyone looking to scratch their Oblivion itch can do a lot worse than check out 'Arcania - Gothic 4'. I'm hooked on it at the mo and it really is quite good (especially on PC!!) .......not as good as Oblivion mind but still good. :hubbahubba:
I played the demo, it ran very well on my PC, but I thought the game was garbage and it just made me pang for a real ES game all the more.
Anybody who ever complained about the voice acting in TES4 should play the Gothic 4 demo -- now that is some horrible VO (I'm referring to the English dub, I can only hope the original
(was it German for JoWood?) recordings were better).
I mean, if you enjoy the game, I'm glad you're having a good time, but my impressions of a few hours with the demo one bored night two weeks back are extremely negative. In the positives column I would say the environments were pretty well done and the lighting engine is very nice. In the negatives, nearly anything else, but especially character models, most animations, voice work, controls....
Thank goodness for demos. I tried to get into Arcania on a night I was fiending something terrible for some Elder Scrolls, but the demo cured me of that at least. Play the demo, form your own opinion, but I really didn't dig it.