But what if the real person behind this username is a woman?
I'll still mark that date on my calendar even though the source is not the best. That day happens to be the last day of the PA Renaissance Faire, and that night happens to be the last few hours of October. Perhaps at midnight there might be either an announcement or a start of a countdown to the announcement?
Actually it might be plausible if the December cover of Game Informer is TESV and Bethesda does the exact same scheme for TESV as they did for TESIV. Countdown starts midnight October 31st (or 12:01 AM on November 1st), and each midnight the countdown subtracts by one until the following Monday, November 8th. The Game Informer cover would probably be revealed a few days later and when that issue ships it will sell like hot cakes. Because everyone knows that cakes that are hot sell very well.
Now this speculation is also possible in yet another month, for the January cover of Game Informer. I wouldn't say I am pinning all of my hopes on these dates, but I like checkpoints and it piques my curiosity to speculate on specific dates, to see if I can guess correctly. When that date rolls by, as with the 25th of October, I just check this site every so often along with UESP.
Because, whenever the announcement is, any bit of tangible real news on the subject is going to go right on the front page at UESP. That might be one of the first places to look for solid news on an announcement other than the Bethesda website and elderscrolls.com