Okay, where does Todd (or anyone) say they're going to make an announcement "soon"?
Todd says that they're ready to show what they have. He says if they're given the word to show it, they would be proud of what they had to show. But "ready to show" isn't the same thing as "will show soon."
Could be I missed an interview or something. :shrug:
Yeah, Todd specifically said "soon" in an interview with G4. I can't remember the exact name of the interview and can't find it on google, but I do know that when asked about the game by the interviewer he said "soon, soon."
Hey guys, after a bit of digging i came across an interesting tidbit of info that i cant already find in this thread.
make of this what you will.
We already talked about this AGES ago, I'm sorry to say. We never came to a consensus on it but it we can say for sure it doesn't mean Skyrim is a mobile game, because as far as I know mobile games don't generally take two years to make.
maybe... and I HATE to say this, SKYRIM is the MMORPG, and there is a seperate FPRPG set in tamriel.
Nope. Bethesda has said they don't make MMOs. Zenimax Online, however, does make MMOs, and it's very likely the MMO is TES releated. But whatever Bethesda is making, it isn't an MMO.
...I think this may be the 20th or so time I've typed that same sentence in this thread...