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Antibody already gave the explanation for the age-checker.
Thats true but in the past was it not required for M rated games' websites to have the age checker? I know a lot of them did have it and I don't see why they would want less people seeing their advertisemants if it was legal for them to show minors...
Maybe TES V is gonna go more in the direction of Fallout and be a little bit more geared towards an older audience? Its highly likely seeing that most hardcoe gamers are above 17 and dont want to play a kids game as much as a game for their age group. Not that Morrowind and Oblivion are too immature, its just that they might be seen as having not enough mature content for it to be considered a game for advlts by people new to TES.
I personally don't care if its rated 17+ or not. I can see though how in a rugged and brutal environment like Skyrim a mature rating could be quite spectacularly be pulled off in a viking pillaging sort of way.